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Agricultural Chemicals Deadly?

Agricultural Chemicals Deadly?

The Real Effects of Agricultural Chemicals on Our Bodies Are Hidden by Seemingly Credible Government Studies. Many Experts Claim, However, the True Effects Are Harmful.

We might think that we live in a wonderful time and benefit from all sorts of advantages, but the truth is completely different.

While many people believe that the president and government are doing everything they can, they are not really the people in control.

The real people who control the world are the elite, and it’s these people who control the central banks.

They are able to print as much money as they want and influence the money supply in a country.

The elite are the people who have enough money to do anything they want including buying the president.

The president works for the elite which means whatever he says isn’t for our own good.

We are told that these chemicals are essential to grow crops because without these chemicals we wouldn’t have enough food to survive.

These chemicals include pesticides and these are specifically designed to kill any pests that could eat the crops.

We are told that these are perfectly safe because they can be washed off.

However, the vegetables and fruit will absorb amounts of these chemicals which may be harmless by themselves.

These chemicals are then concentrated and mixed together with all sorts of other chemicals in our bodies.

This can lead to toxic mixtures which damage our health and severely limit our lifespan.

The elite try to use all sorts of excuses to use these chemicals.

They try to suggest that there are more people in the world than there has ever been and we need to use pesticides. Otherwise, many would go hungry.


Agricultural chemicals are just the tip of the iceberg because the elite have a lot of money invested in GM or Genetically Modified Crops. These crops are also dangerous.

Elite families have invested huge amounts of money in GM crops. They use the excuse of the worlds population increasing.

However the real reason is so that they can control us.

Risks of Chemicals

Chemicals are not good for us because they aren’t natural. These chemicals aren’t normal things for us to eat and they can be dangerous.

The chemicals are designed to kill insects and although we are much bigger than any insect the concentrated effects will be severe.

Of course the elite themselves won’t eat any food treated with agricultural chemicals because instead they will want organic vegetables.

They have even created their own seed bank which contains millions of organic seeds.

They will use these when they are ready for their own personal food supply free from any agricultural chemicals.


These agricultural chemicals and other chemicals in the environment are weakening our immune systems and making diseases more common.

They are also increasing the risks of cancer.

Washing the fruit and vegetables simply isn’t enough because the vegetables will absorb the chemicals. Eating any food treated with chemicals will be dangerous.

People are aware that these chemicals are dangerous however few people will do anything about it.

If anyone is that against them then people will buy organic vegetables.

The elite like our dependence on GM and chemicals because it makes it possible for them to control the food industry as well.

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