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Biological Warface and the United Nations

Biological Warfare and the United Nations are Part of a Depopulation Plan.

If you were a member of the global elite and you wanted to wipe out large swaths of people that you considered undesirable or not fit to live how would you go about getting rid of them?

Large scales use of weapons or wars would mean manipulating countries to do battle, which would lead to a lot of hassle and expense and loss of people that might end up being good workers.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to use an organization like the United Nations instead?

Using a combination of biological warfare and the United Nations is a perfect way to get rid of huge masses of people, and that’s exactly what the global elite are doing.

Under the guise of providing humanitarian aid to developing countries by sending food and medical supplies the global elite are carrying out a massive depopulation operation.

Medical supplies, like vaccines, can be spiked with drugs that cause sterility or forced abortions. They can also be spiked with biological agents that cause illness and death.

Seeds that are sent to Third World countries for farmers to grow are often genetically modified, and there is evidence that eating a diet of primarily genetically modified food can cause serious illness in humans.

The global elite are using biological warfare and the United Nations is the delivery system that they use so that ordinary people don’t catch on.

There was a case a few years ago that was investigated by the BBC where investigators found that tetanus vaccines that were sent to the Philippines were given to women to prevent them from getting the disease.

But the vaccines were spiked with a drug that caused abortions so that women who were pregnant and were given the drug lost their babies.

The drug, hCG, also causes sterility and many of the women who were given it in the tetanus vaccine later become sterile.

Biological Warface in the US

The use of biological warfare and the United Nations delivery system is not really that surprising when you consider some of the lengths that the global elite have gone to in the past to accomplish their goals.

But what might surprise you is that biological warfare has been used on US citizens by the US military too.

When the military starts to develop a new biological weapon they need subjects to test it on, so the test it secretly on US citizens and on military personnel.

Bio weapons are also tested in other countries that the US is conducting military operations in.

Testing Bio Agents on Citizens

Biological warfare agents are slipped into food and drink, water supplies, and other common resources so that the military and the government can track the results and see what effects the agent has on humans.

Biological warfare is not just something that happens in other places. It happens in the US, everyday, and it’s part of the global elite plan for a New World Order.

Biological warfare agents are just drugs and viruses though, genetically modified food and fertilizers can also be considered bio-weapons.

Modern Biological Weapons

For the global elite biological warfare and the United Nations go hand in hand.

The United Nations is the perfect delivery method and provides the access to local citizens that the global elite need to introduce the weapons into the environment.

The credibility provided by being part of a United Nations operation also allows the people involved in the attack to get close enough to their victims to watch the results of the attack and document the results.

So, experts on biological warfare and the United Nations test weapons like diseases, drugs, and genetically modified foods on an unknowing and disadvantaged population in preparation for the days when the global elite will use them on the citizens of the developed countries in the world.

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