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Blog Category: Natural Resources

What is the EPA but a Government Propaganda Machine. What is the EPA? The Environmental Protection Agency is a government organization created to encourage harmony between man and his environment. The ideal was to prevent and eliminate environmental damage and stimulate the health of Americans. Ironically Nixon developed the EPA in 1970 while devastating Vietnam’s

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Oil Pipeline Security Sinking with Growing Grasp for U.S. Control. Would willing Americans rally around a war for oil pipeline security? In 2001, the Bush Administration assumed they would not. Conveniently or in cahoots with corporate planners, 9/11occurred soon after Afghan attack plans were placed on the table. According to a book published in late

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Global Warming and the Effects Are Bogus Propaganda Designed To Scare Americans Into Compliance. Much has been made recently about global warming and the effects that this change would produce. This issue alone has encompassed and overlapped every other issue facing the nation, especially with the election of President Barrack Obama. The economic downturn will

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The Story That The Global Warming Facts And Figures Tell is Not The Same Story That The Government is Leading People to Believe.  Distorting the global warming facts and figures brings a huge profit to a small group of people known as the Bilderbergs.  The group consists entirely of influential people who basically want to

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Is it Possible That Global Warming is a Myth? If global warming is a myth, then who started it and why? Global warming is presented to the public as a very serious issue – one that could mean life or death for the planet and humankind, unless we take drastic action now. Humanity is seemingly poised

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Misguided Propaganda Surrounding Gulf of Mexico Oil Reserves and Other Crude Oil Sources Outside the Middle East.  It is often said 2/3 of the world’s crude oil lies in the Middle East.  This is a rough estimate based on faulty logic, and it is simply not true.  There are a multitude of other opportunities to

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