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Blog Category: Globalization

Satellite Images of Earth Are Entertaining, but You’re Not Aware of the Satellite’s Ability to Narrow Its Field of View and Focus to Reveal Intimate Images of Your Family. Satellite images of Earth can focus on you. You are seated in front of your television, moaning the judging decisions of the omniscient quartet of Simon

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The Robot Drone is Part of The Plan to Rule The World.  Just like the flying drones in the air, the robot drone on the ground is being used by the elite to work towards the New World Order.  Flying drones get all the attention because they are sleek and sexy looking killing machines that

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The Satellite Image of Earth Shows Stunning Views, but the True Purpose is to Propagate the Destruction of Traditional American Values and Economically Enslave Our People. A Satellite Image of Earth shows a beautiful and wondrous planet. However, there are disturbing and Destructive features that can be seen from space. One of them is the

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A Description of How the Prophetic One World Government is on its Way, According to the Merged Plan of Freemasons and the Illuminati. The idea of the prophetic One World Government that’s been talked about for ages is not as far-fetched an idea as many try to portray.  It’s amazing how many influential people have

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The Banking Cabal is Preparing Children for Future Globalization. The American Way is Being Destroyed as Our Kids Are Left Ignorant of Freedom. Those pushing the New World Order are preparing children for future Globalization. When you hear the words “Globalization” or “Global Community” coming from the mouths of today’s “leaders,” understand they mean New

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Price Manipulation by Large Corporations and Banks Squeezing Family Finances During a Global Recession. In hard times everyone needs a little help, and there is no doubt about the fact we’ve reached that state of play now. However, during good and bad times our banks and large multinationals are all intent on making things worse

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