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Blog Category: Government

The RFID Tracking System Only Works With Government Controlled Radio Waves. The RFID tracking system starts off by an RFID programmer encoding information onto a microchip, this encoding looks very similar to a carton label. The RFID tag has a tiny antenna and microchip which often is located on the bag of the tag and

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During The Privatization Process The People Lose Control. Privatization is essentially when a government institution auctions off its assets and services to private companies who can then begin to run them independently. Sometimes the privatization process involves contracts to lease government assets for only a limited time, other times the assets are sold to a

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Why is the Perfect American Family Derided in our Society? The perfect American family ideal is often seen as something to be ridiculed and derided by those who seek to offer an alternative to the traditional family. The family is frequently held up as an ideal that never existed and an unattainable goal for many

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The New American Fascism Stands to be the End of our This Nation. The new American Fascism stands to be the end of the reign of the United States as the most powerful nation in the free world. Pretty big statement to make and one most would not even entertain the notion for a moment;

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The Future of Democracy is in Jeopardy. What is the future of democracy? This is a question asked by many concerned with the current state of American politics. The march toward fascism has accelerated exponentially since September 11. If democracy ends in tyranny and the founding fathers planned a republic, why do so many glorify

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U.S. Employee Surveillance is the Government’s New Cyber-Cop Program. The Government Tracks Your Movement and Conditions You to a World Without Privacy. There have been many high-profile lawsuits proving that U.S. employee surveillance is just another fact of life. Surfing the web at work is as popular as gossiping at lunchtime and estimated to cost

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