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Blog Category: Health & Wellness

The Aspartame Scandal is Ongoing Because Aspartame is Still Widely Used. The aspartame scandal is this: that a highly contentious additive – the most contested in FDA history – was approved by the FDA. They approved aspartame (E951) not because of the scientific evidence or the intrinsic nature of aspartame but because of political and

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It’s Time People Start Rethinking Fluoride and its Impact on Our Minds. Rethinking fluoride and its use in our water and toothpaste is absolutely essential. Fluoride is a toxic waste. Fluoride is a poison. And it’s in your water.  Not only are you drinking it, but if you don’t use a shower filter, you’re allowing

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The Swine Flu Origin May Have Resulted from an Accidental Release from a Laboratory. The swine flu origin may have suspicious circumstances. It certainly has fallen under scrutiny recently.  Now questions are arising about it possibly coming from an accidental release from a lab.  Could it have been a planned execution of a scheme by the

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A Read Through the Following Quotes About IG Farben Reveals Traitors Bent on Profit, Power, and Control. “This dependency in Western society upon legal chemicals such as Viagra, Aspirin, etc. is directly responsible for the loss of the so called drug war. “Bayer, as you may well know, was, and in my opinion, still is

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The Swine Flu Map Has Been an Invaluable Aid in Creating Mass Panic and Hysteria Amongst People Whom the Authorities Hope Will Now Flock to Get Their H1N1 Vaccine. The main topic of conversation worldwide at the moment is swine flu, so it’s not surprising how many people are creating maps that indicate how different

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Is Any Tamiflu Dosage Safe for Children to Take? Tamiflu is seen as a wonderful drug which can be used to treat flu. The media and government often make us believe that we are very lucky to have this drug because it can treat the current threats including Swine Flu. The truth however might be

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