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Blog Category: Media & Information

Government Conducted Email Surveillance, What is the Impact on Society and Privacy? It is common knowledge that technological innovation has made email surveillance as easy as eavesdropping on a telephone conversation. Back doors that have been built into telecommunication infrastructures allow for almost immediate real-time surveillance of emails and other forms of electronic communication that

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The War on Family Social Values is Crumbling Societal Structures Intentionally.  All over America, there is a serious war being waged against family social values. This war is being largely ignored by the mainstream press, except for the days when they bemoan the rise in teen pregnancies, the rising STD levels and the increasing numbers

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The Article Called Fascism Anyone Lays Bare the Identifying Marks of Fascist Regimes. The phrase “Fascism Anyone” is the title of an article written by Laurence Britt. In the article, Britt compares the Fascist regimes of Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Suharto and Pinochet to extract 14 common characteristics. These characteristics can then be used to test

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How the Wiretapping Legal Discussion Fails to Help Those Most in Need. With developments in recent years, wiretapping legal initiatives are carving up individual rights in more than one way. The answer to the question of who can legally wiretap and how has been redefined several times. Each time the vice has tightened on civil

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Wiretapping Law Creates an Enormous Danger to Society. When wiretapping law was first created, the elites knew they had made significant progress in robbing American citizens of fundamental freedoms. Today, law enforcement officers can stick their nose into everyone’s business, yet the common person can barely record a call that proves bill collectors are threatening

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The Wiretapping and Divorce Law Maryland Observes is Not True Protection. Wide Spread Surveillance is in Place, Leaving Very Little Room for Personal Privacy. Illegal wiretapping and divorce law Maryland make for bad bedfellows. Maryland law states that in order to legally intercept and record the conversations of people, permission must be obtained from each

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