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Blog Category: Money & Banking

The Banking Cabal Private Owners of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank Control the Value of Our Money and Thus the Functioning of America Itself. The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank (the Fed) is a privately owned company that controls the value of the dollar and keeps Americans in perpetual debt. It continues to funnel cash into the country,

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The US Federal Reserve System Profits From us Because it is a Private Bank Owned by the Same Global Elite Who Own the Media and the Multinational Companies. The elite have used their ownership of the U.S. Federal Reserve System to control the money that is released into society. By controlling the amount of money

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What is Money but a Vehicle for the Banking Elite to Gain More Power Over us and Usher in Their One World Government. How the Production of Money is Used to Control Us. The concept o what is money can be looked at many ways. Money is a finite quantity widely held, even today, when

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What Caused the National Debt is an Illegal Federal Reserve System and an Irresponsible Government Working Together to Completely Take Control From the People. What caused the national debt in America? In short, the irresponsible spending of the government combined with an illegal Federal Reserve that prints money with no oversight or accountability. Every year, the

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The Verifiers of Carbon Credits Want You To Blindly Follow The System And Accept The Corrupt Laws And Taxes. The verifiers of carbon credits are the companies that make money off our ignorance. These verifiers collect data on how much carbon your business is emitting, and determines how much you need to pay them to

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As You Ask, What Year Was the Federal Reserve Born, Understand How Evil and Tyrannical This Illegal Central Bank Really is and Why it Exists. What year was the Federal Reserve born? The year was 1913. Ever since, the American people have been financial slaves to the private ownership of this illegal central bank. The

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