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Blog Category: Money & Banking

The Bought U.S. Media Makes Publishing and Broadcast Decisions Based on the Interests of the Corporation or Advertisers, Rather Than the People. The bought U.S. media is rife with conflicts between serving the interests of the local citizens and the interests of the corporate parent company. The wide array of channels available on cable and

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The Bought Media is a Tool of Elites. Misinformation is Used to Manipulate Masses & Make Them Fall in Line With New World Order Thought in Police-State America. The elite have used their control over the mainstream media in order to make you believe that the bought media that they rely on for information is

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The Bought American Media Denies Americans Their Right to Information Access and Instead Creates a Reality Allowing the Elites to Enslave Minds. The bought American media has been a long-time concern and was the reason for the Communications Act of 1934. This Act limited ownership of media outlets to seven and established the FCC to

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The Central Bank and Monetary Policy Existing in the United States Today is Exactly the Type of Trap Our Founding Fathers Warned us Against and Tried to Avoid. The central bank and monetary policy of today is an idea the Founding Fathers were adamantly against. After all, it was England’s central bank and the fact

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The Creation of the Fed is Something the Founding Fathers Warned Against Because They Didn’t Want the Global Banking Elite to Take Over Like They Now Have. The creation of the Fed was feared by many in the United States during the time of the Revolutionary War. The Founding Fathers had separated from Great Britain

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The Creature of Jekyll Island. The Federal Reserve Continues to Make Money Out of Debt at The Expense of All Americans. The creature of Jekyll Island isn’t about a monster out of the movies, but it is about another type of monster. the Federal Reserve of the United States.  The Federal Reserve Banking System of

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