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Blog Category: Natural Resources

The Truth Behind the History of Food Service Industry is Shocking. Nutrition, the Most Important Thing, Has Become Another Weapon of NWO Control. We have become a nation that depends on the history of food service industry to survive, and we have rapidly evolved from a much simpler time when wholesome home cooking was the

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Free Solar Energy Could Eliminate the Need for Oil and Combustible Fuel Types; Alternative Energy Suppressed by Oil Cabal. Free solar energy has the power to change the way people look at energy, as they could have all of the electricity they needed after they installed some well made solar panels on their home to

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Power of a Food and Drug Association. If there is a core to any modern food and drug association, it is Big Pharma.  There are few food or drug related organizations of governmental or industry levels that have not succumb to their influence.  Everyone understands that they are billion dollar multinationals that do much more

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Environmental Protection Agency EPA Press Honesty was Absent on September 11, Leading to Many More Deaths. The environmental protection agency EPA press releases were all a bunch of lies directly after that tragic day, on September 11.  Once the “attack” was over and the clear up had begun, an ominous mix of toxic airborne chemicals wafted

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Estimated Cost of the Georgia Guidestones Means the Group was Well Funded. The Estimated Cost of the Georgia Guide stones is over $100,000 in 1980 terms.  This doesn’t include the cost of shipping the stone or the cost of engraving it. $100,000 is the estimated cost of the stone itself.  The Georgia guide stones are 19

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How Evidence for Global Warming Loses Heat Up Close. The evidence for global warming is complex, highly emotional and extremely dubious. For those who don’t following environmental news, global warming is a diagnostic theory developed to explain several dramatic events and climatologic developments in recent history.  The theory asserts that man-made pollutants are causing the

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