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Blog Category: Pharmaceuticals

While Sterilization Abuse is Illegal, Fascist Elites Still Rely on it to Help Advance Their Agendas.  Over the years, sterilization abuse has become one of the most profound destroyers of the American economy. In order to understand this, one must recognize that human beings place an enormous amount of value on being able to have

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The Most Superior Drug Company is Likely The U.S. Government. The superior drug company operations you’ll find today exist within the US Government.  Twisting and manipulating our opinions and actions on drugs and the drug war, we are fooled into helping the elite profit.  The society suffers as teens and even children get hooked on

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The Supreme Court Forced Sterilization Legalization Was Eugenically Motivated and Cruel.  Although it is a tactic more commonly associated with Nazi Germany, the Supreme Court forced sterilization on a number of women in the United States during the early part of the 20th century. They also provided the legal framework for states to pursue their

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Shire Pharmaceutical is a Corporate Giant That Helps Itself to Your Money While Enslaving Your Mind. Shire Pharmaceutical is a multibillion dollar corporation that produces medicines for the American people. The pharmaceutical business earns these corporate giants unimaginably large sums of money each year.  When profit is your only objective, there are many ways that

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Why the Government Wants Single Parent Children and Alcohol Abuse as it Destroys Our Society. George Orwell was more than a writer; he was a visionary whose novel 1984 accurately predicted the future of totalitarianism through out the world.  While Orwell’s vision included an openly oppressive government that forcefully submitted its populace; our leaders have

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Practices in Mental Health Being Driven to Sell Pharmaceutical Drugs to the World. Practices in mental health have gotten away from what it really should be which is a way to release emotion. We are seeing a pill made for everything now and it would not be necessary if we took better care of ourselves,

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