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Blog Category: Pharmaceuticals

Should we Believe Genetically Modified Food Arguments? Genetically Modified food is very scary for most people, most people simply don’t want to mess with things that they don’t understand.  There are many Genetically modified food arguments, although we are led to believe that we need genetically modified food that’s just not true.  The elite want

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Genetically Modified Animals Aren’t as Tasty as you Might Think. Genetically Modified Animals, argue Frankenstein like scientists, are as old as life itself. They point out that varieties of domestic dogs have been created through selective breeding for thousands of years. In many respects, they are absolutely right.  Selective breeding, chemicals, viruses and radiation have been

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Power of a Food and Drug Association. If there is a core to any modern food and drug association, it is Big Pharma.  There are few food or drug related organizations of governmental or industry levels that have not succumb to their influence.  Everyone understands that they are billion dollar multinationals that do much more

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Entry Level Pharmaceutical Sales People Push the Drugs of the Future. To a new science college graduate, entry level pharmaceutical sales may have great appeal as a first job, in particular the higher average salary they are likely to receive, and where they are exposed to the product of cutting edge science and technology.  That’s

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FDA Advisor: The Doctors and Scientists that Sit on the Food and Drug Advisory Committees Have Financial Ties With the Pharmaceutical Companies. Does an FDA advisor enhance the credibility of the notorious Food and Drug Administration? No, because the scientists and medical doctors who sit on the advisory panels have been bought by the pharmaceutical

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The Global Drug and Pharmaceutical Industry as Part of the NWO Plan Has Killed Many Patients Who Took Prescription Drugs in the Hopes of Getting Better. The drug and pharmaceutical industry is one of the biggest killers in America today. The third leading cause of death, behind cancer and diabetes, is death from the side

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