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Blog Category: Solutions

The Solution of Overpopulation Problems Have Often Fallen Victim to Powerful Global Elitists Who Are Building A Regime Which Does Not Care About Human Life. Finding a solution of overpopulation is the assigned duty of the UN. The leading proponent of controlling world population, David Rockefeller, has given our United Nations this duty. Guided by

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We Must Triumph Over Tyranny Today and Free Ourselves From the Monster of Fascism That is Consuming the World! People Can Unite and Stand up to Elites Once & for All. Americans must triumph over tyranny. The word tyranny comes from the Latin word tyrannus which means “illegitimate ruler.” With most Americans believing they live in a

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International Relations and the Peace People Want, Would be Bad for Business for Global Elites Who Profit From War, Destruction and Chaos to Build NWO. International relations have always been a sticky point for the United States to manage. In the early days of the nation we did not have a lot of strength and

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Creating a Future Without Global Capitalism Requires Building an Economic Structure That Creates Socially Beneficial Solutions and Puts People Before Profits. A future without global capitalism is a difficult thing to imagine. It is impossible not to notice that around the world, more global economies are moving in the direction of a version of capitalism.

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Americans Must Think up Alternative Solutions to the Most Severe Problem of Today. We Must Abolish the Federal Reserve System and Take Back the United States. It seems as though people are always seeking alternative solutions to various problems in America except the one that would finally solve the issues facing all of us. Those

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US National Debt Solutions Begin With Eliminating the Federal Reserve. America Was Enslaved the Moment it Allowed Control of the Money to be Had by Crooked Bankers. US national debt solutions begin with a simple matter of elementary economics. An individual, or a nation, must have the discipline to live within the limits of income.

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