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Falsely Convicted, Once Known It Should be Easy to Reverse Decision

Falsely Convicted and Proof of Innocence Then Why Are You Still in Prison?

Falsely convicted yet DNA testing shows clearly a person’s innocence then why are so many still in prison? 

Prosecutors that withhold evidence or falsify evidence in order to obtain a conviction are more prevalent than you might think. 

One a person is convicted it is extremely costly to have that conviction overturned. 

An innocent person could be, and many are, imprisoned for years or for the rest of their life while waiting for justice to serve them and release them from imprisonment. 

Once a person has been falsely convicted the appeal process is usually fought every step of the way by the prosecuting attorney that won that case. 

The expression “won” says volumes for that is exactly what the prosecutor did, he won a case and after winning so many cases he will develop a reputation and start getting paid grandly for his legal expertise. 

Even with irrefutable DNA evidence a prosecutor will fight to protect his win or conviction of an innocent victim as hard and as long as he can. 

The concern for the human being that is incarcerated and the family of the one behind bars does not matter to a hardened professional lawyer that can only see the fattening of his reputation and wallet. 

Not all prosecutors are of this type yet the ones that are have made it difficult for all of us as we live in an era of greed and disregard for one another.

Now the FBI Has Been Given Total Freedom to Spy Upon and Disregard the Rights of Citizens by the Federal Government

There is another greed factor in keeping ones that have been falsely convicted of a crime in prison, and that is prisons generate money.

The more prisoners, the more prisons to be built and managed, and the prosecutors that keep throwing innocent and guilty people behind bars are paid handsomely for their efforts. 

The FBI and other government agencies have murdered and had victims falsely convicted to keep government secrets from being revealed and to promote “good” publicity about their agencies and how well they are handling the criminal element of society. 

The FBI has had too many stories revealed about their illegal and unconstitutional ways of dealing with the citizens in this country to trust them.

Free Reign to Convict

Now, thanks to the Bush administration, the FBI has been given free reign to encroach upon people’s freedoms, to spy upon them 24/7, and to collect this information into a central data bank along with images of a person’s eyes, skin, smells, oh yes, and the standard thumbprint. 

The FBI has had many convicted falsely and sent to prison before they got the official nod by the federal government.

The scary picture arises of hundreds perhaps thousands of citizens being locked behind bars without being accused of anything much less being falsely accused.

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