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Influencing the History of Food Service Industry

The Truth Behind the History of Food Service Industry is Shocking. Nutrition, the Most Important Thing, Has Become Another Weapon of NWO Control.

We have become a nation that depends on the history of food service industry to survive, and we have rapidly evolved from a much simpler time when wholesome home cooking was the staple diet.

The days of home cooking with good quality and fresh ingredients are long gone and now we rely on restaurants, cafés and fast food eateries to provide our daily nutrition.

The history of food service industry has changed quickly from the times we purchased fresh produce from local grocery stores to the modern supermarkets that mark the rise in globalization.

The vast amounts of restaurants and supermarkets have helped to increase the purchase prices for consumers through business loans causing inflation and driving the overall costs through the roof.

We also fail to realize the rapid decrease in food quality with additives and chemicals being used to preserve food longer in order to raise profits at our physical and financial expense.

With food prices becoming increasingly more expensive, we need to get back to basics by growing our own organic vegetables and providing better nutrition and quality for the sake of our families.

The increase in fast-food outlets has created problems with obesity and behavioral disorders in our children from the high in fat and sugar cuisines that have become deep rooted in our society.

Inflation Passed on to the Consumer

You would be surprised to observe the influence the world banking elite have inflicted over the history of food service industry.

The vast majority of restaurants and food outlets have been encouraged to borrow from banks in order to set-up shop or survive.

It runs quite deep if you take into consideration that every aspect of the food service industry has been seamlessly influenced by the criminal banking elite.

Farms who produced the food, the processing plants, transport companies, supermarkets, grocery stores and the restaurants and cafés who serve the finished product have been carried along by the tidal wave of growth.

Right across the spectrum, money has been borrowed and passed on to the consumer in a snowball effect creating high purchase prices to pay off the interest on the loans the bankers have supplied.

This is how inflation on society has been passed through a certain chain of events, eventually costing the consumer more money.

The scenario is quite frightening when you also consider the high levels of fat, salt, chemicals and sugar used within the products we unknowingly purchase.

High levels of mercury are found in most food products passed on through gauges, freezers, lamps, thermometers and many other implements used in food storage and preparation.

History of Food Service Industry: Consumer Globalization

We have become victims of globalization on a grand scale, from the wholesome days of the fresh organic produce and nutrition we used to take for granted, to the mass produced convenience food inflicted upon us during the history of food service industry to the modern day.

The chemicals now found in the fast-food products we readily consume are destabilizing our body and numbing our senses in massive proportions.

Allergies and child behavioral problems have all increased in contrast to the times when organic ingredients were the norm.

As prices begin to rise and food shortages begin to be discussed, we think it’s time we went back to basics and grow our own food just like the good old days.

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