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Is the Effect of Global Warming Real or Imagined?

The Effect of Global Warming is Difficult to Realistically Ascertain.

Global warming is a very popular and publicized issue that just about every person in the free world has heard of. Pollution is going to kill our world!

We must out a stop to the damage and destruction that polluters are wreaking on our poor, defenseless planet!

We hear the cry being taken up by any and every politician that can get access to a microphone and camera or a reporter and his keyboard.

The environment is something we all live in and see every day; we all know how important it is to our very existence.

That is exactly what reporters and politicians are banking on when they take up the cry against global warming.

The effect of global warming can potentially lead to the end of the world as we know it.

The Amazon Rain Forest and Boreal Forest are responsible for much of the oxygen production in the world and are shrinking.

The Arctic is shrinking; there are fewer glaciers; the sea level is on the rise. All are things which are attributed to the dangers of global warming.

There have been a number of species of plant and animals that are no longer with us which some do attribute to the effects of global warming.

That is a point which politicians and reporters are always happy to point out- no one wants the lovely tree slug to be erased from the face of the earth!

One point that the politicians and reporters do not point out is that the whole change in temperature, the total difference in temperature, is only a half of a degree over a hundred years!

How can something so miniscule over so long a time frame really be attributed as the cause of so many negative things?

Realistically it is not possible which then leads to the question of just what the politicians are actually up to.

Another Scientist Comes Out Against Global Warming

Political Ploy

Politicians often are in need of something which the can claim they have accomplished for the greater benefit of the people.

At the same time they do not want to anger the rich, corporate types that actually get them elected.

What better way to appear proactive for the people then to appear to be cleaning up the air they breathe!

By passing legislation and then monitoring the implementation of it the government can create the restrictions and then be the one that reports their successful completion- regardless of whether or not they are.

Harsh Reality

The effect of global warming is a complete hoax. A half of a degree over one hundred years- how can that really be the cause of so many environmental issues, now or in the future?

It cannot be proven beyond the shadow of a doubt; it cannot be disproven either which makes it a tremendous scare tactic.

At the same time the government and big business can look environmentally friendly by claiming to be solving or alleviating the global warming problem.

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