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Debt to Success System - Page 22 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

Surviving Big Brother Government is Possible. George Orwell’s 1984 is the story of a future society, where individualism has been eliminated, where propaganda (main stream media) is used to control the masses and where perpetual war (war on terror) is being waged to maintain the “peace”.  In 1984, false is true and wrong is right,

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The Swine Flu Origin May Have Resulted from an Accidental Release from a Laboratory. The swine flu origin may have suspicious circumstances. It certainly has fallen under scrutiny recently.  Now questions are arising about it possibly coming from an accidental release from a lab.  Could it have been a planned execution of a scheme by the

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The American Heritage Education Foundation is Working With The Government to Make Sure Your Children do Not Receive an Education.  The American Heritage Education Foundation is operating under the guise of a non-profit organization for the education of your children. With the state of the modern school system and the under educated population you must

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What the American Revolution in Boston Meant for us. America was once a British colony and it wasn’t until the revolution that it was considered as a sovereign state. The main reason for the revolution is said to be because the English were charging high taxes, and the reason for these high taxes was because

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Taking Control of America: The Banking Elite who Orchestrated 9/11 now Control Government, Finance and your Freedom. Taking control of a country is never easy, especially when it’s via manipulative means and the general population is not allowed to know about it. The wealthy banking elite decided to make its major move almost nine years

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The Term of Supreme Court Justices Should Remain a Lifelong Appointment.  When the founding fathers of America drafted the Constitution, they decided that the term of Supreme Court appointees would be for life.  This was one of many effort they made to try and prevent a runaway dictator from gaining control of America.  Without a

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