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Quick Outline of the American Education System

An Outline of the American Education System Detailing the Move to a Worker-Based Socialist Society in America.

In History of the American Education System, we detailed how the concept of right and wrong was purposely removed from our education system. 

By removing a “normal” view of immorality from the populace, the Globalist Elite have been able to remove much of the “mental barriers” against their New World Order. 

Let’s continue on this idea and give an outline of the American education system as laid out in The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt.

Move to Eugenics

“In 1948, shortly after General Chisholm made his recommendation to banish the concept of right and wrong, Professors B.F. Skinner and Alfred C. Kinsey published their books, Walden Two and Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, respectively.

“Skinner’s novel, Walden Two, recommended-amongst other radical things-that “children be reared by the state, to be trained from birth to demonstrate only desirable characteristics and behavior”.

“Kinsey, as a taxonomic scientist, wrested human sexuality from the constraints of love and marriage in order to advance the grand scheme to move America and the world toward the eugenic future envisioned by the elite scientists of the “New Biology”, a shift which would affect the legal and medical professions.”

Bloom’s “Taxonomy”

“. In 1953. Professor Benjamin Bloom with the assistance of Professor David Krathwohl completed Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.

“. Webster’s Dictionary defines “taxonomy” as follows, “the study of the general principles of scientific classification. systematics”.

“It should be noted that “scientific classification” related to education of a human being involves breaking behavior down into categories to be measured and observed.

“Behavior (actions) which can be isolated from the human personality with its important spiritual dimension.

“Bloom said in Taxonomy that “the philosopher, as well as the behavioral scientist must find ways of determining what changes (values) are desirable and perhaps what changes are necessary”.

“He stated that for the schools to attempt to change values is a virtual “Pandora’s Box”, but that [O]ur “box” must be opened if we are to face reality and take action, and that it is in this “box” that the most influential controls are to be found.

“The affective domain contains the forces that determine the nature of an individual’s life and ultimately the life of an entire people.”

Moving Toward Socialism

“Kinsey and Bloom, as scientists, were involved in the breaking down of man (taxonomizing) into units of behavior which Skinner, as a behaviorist, could identify, measure and change.

“This breaking down or “deconstructing of Man” was intended to separate man from his God-given, freedom-providing identity.

“This opened the door to the study of methods to control man and society enter Skinner, representing the Behaviorist School of the non-science “science” of psychology.

Bloom changed the focus of education from a general, liberal arts education which benefited man as a whole to a narrow training which would be based on the behavioral psychologists’ determination of what changes in “thoughts, feelings, and actions” would be desirable and, perhaps, necessary for the benefit of society as a whole.

“Bloom’s Taxonomy provided the finishing and crucial touch to the foundation laid by Dewey and others of the bedrock of today’s education and teacher training.

“The work of Bloom, Kinsey and Skinner provided the ingredients for future moral chaos with which we are struggling today at the national and international levels…”

Banking Link

This quick outline of the American education system shows quite clearly that the Globalists have been warring against us for decades.

We recommend you read “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America” in its entirety for a clear understanding of this history from 1762 to today.

Our goal is to expose all aspects of Globalization (New World Order). 

This kind of “abuse of power” is actually a symptom of allowing international bankers and industrialists to control our monetary system.

Our money and banking are the keys to the New World Order.

Once you understand that the elite cabal funds its Global Community projects through illegal taxation and fraudulent debt creation, you can begin to see that one solution is to go after that funding.

By blindly buying into federal taxes and a mountain of debt, Americans are unwittingly funding the elite and their totalitarian plans. 

It doesn’t have to be this way. If the people are educated on the fraud, the fraud falls apart. 

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