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Reform Health Care the Right Way

Reform Health Care so we Maintain a Free-Market System and Get the Government Out.

To reform health care we can avoid the inevitable pain we’ll suffer at the hands of the ObamaCare plan. 

However, it will be a tricky matter to get Obama to back down. 

After all, he’s just a puppet for the wealthy “elite” one-world government bankers. 

They are in the president’s ear with members of their close-knit think tanks positioned as key advisors. 

These banking criminals just desire socialistic medicine to be accepted in this country. 

As the public becomes more and more duped into believing the government is all-powerful, they will be easily manipulated and controlled. 

These bankers are the actual rulers and hold the reins to our leaders. 

If President Obama’s health care plan comes into being, we will be trapped once again, with no free choice on our health. 

Socialized medicine doesn’t succeed in other countries, so why should it succeed here? 

The only success will be to line the pockets of the bankers. To take a look at Canada’s health care will show you what we are in for.

You can grab a number and sit for 10 to 13 hours waiting to see someone.

If you have a broken bone or anything not immediately life-threatening, you’ll likely just be sent home.

Is this any way to handle people’s health and well-being? 

Reform Health Care Correctly

Also known as universal healthcare, government-run healthcare is far different than the supporters will have you believe.

The banker-influenced leaders may or may not believe their own words.

They are tricked with fancy terms by their manipulators or bought off with campaign contributions. They do what they are told. 

There are ways of reforming our health care without ushering in socialized medicine.

We could reduce the cost of health insurance by allowing those who don’t get special services such as acupuncture or massages, to get a plan that didn’t include these.

Perhaps it wouldn’t be a bad idea to review the whole insurance industry. 

Solutions to Health Care 

Another change that could be made is to allow consumers to get insurance anywhere.

Currently some states have very heavy regulations that send the costs up.

If people could shop around, competition would bring down those prices.

A free-market health system! How novel! But it used to be that way and costs were low. 

We have to get off the idea that it is a good thing for government bureaucrats to decide our health care issues, who can decide what sort of services you can get and what sort of drugs you should take.

The government shouldn’t be the one to decide when you can have medical care and what treatments you are entitled to. 

To reform health care we can’t let the government take a role. Every time they do, costs rocket.

Look at the education field. Our Constitution doesn’t give any power to the government over health care.

It’s not a responsibility they should have at all. But the bankers want it. It gives them more power and in the end, profit. 

Get the Government Out 

We must reform health care by insisting the government get out of the business of medicine.

We must deregulate the prices on the health care market and find the costs will fall sharply.

We can make change. We must stand together for only as a united force can we see America stay free and liberty prevail.

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