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Religious Tyranny is Self Imposed

Religious Tyranny Can Not Exist For a Liberated Human Being. 

Religious tyranny has taken on many forms throughout history and is still running amok in our modern times. 

Will there ever be an end to the death, torture, and oppression done in the name of this religion or that? 

What is religion and why does it promote such extremes of compassion and of hatred? 

There is a difference between a person’s spiritual connection and a person’s religious beliefs. 

This difference is vital for every individual to understand. 

Once an individual is able to grasp this then they are on the road to freedom and are not susceptible to religious tyranny for they are beginning to liberate their own core beliefs and take responsibility for those beliefs. 

The more people that step up and take responsibility for their individual actions and core beliefs the more genuine liberated leaders there are for everyone to find sustenance and courage to embrace one another with tenderness and respect.

It is Essential to Look within and Discover Your Core Beliefs Before You are Able to Liberate Your Genuine Self

Once a person begins the journey of challenging and discovering their core beliefs then they are able to let go of the beliefs that are not serving them and are erroneous. 

Most people are not aware of all of the conflicting messages that reside deep within their being and are afraid to look at the disturbances whenever they try to surface into waking consciousness. 

That is the time for most to turn on the TV, stuff their feelings with overeating, or escape into ritual, be it religious or some other form. 

If a person would simply allow silence and hold that state of unrest a bit longer they might be able to see the inner conflict with more clarity and discover how to resolve it. 

We are never going to settle conflict with one another until we are able to step up and take responsibility to settle our own states of unrest. 

A genuinely liberated human being will not be able to support religious tyranny nor will they be able to be oppressed by it. 

Voltaire Said: “Those who Believe Absurdities Will Commit Atrocities” 

Atrocities are being committed and the rationale for committing these atrocities is ridiculous and most definitely absurd. 

The justification for stealing citizen’s rights in the name of protection against an unknown terrorist is one very excellent example. 

Religious tyranny does not have to have a base in a traditional religion.

A religion is a belief system and does not even have to have a Supreme Being as the head of it. 

All religious beliefs that are not balanced with one’s heart and one’s compassion for all of creation will have tremendous absurd distortions. 

The constant feeding of lies and brainwashing has bombarded people’s minds and spirits, it must be turned off and the people must rest. 

Who is going to turn this onslaught off and reclaim personal sovereignty over their state of mind?

Who is going to clean up and toss out all of the inappropriate dogma that is damaging one’s quality of life and forfeiting one’s freedoms other than you?

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