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U.S. Higher Education History

Creation of Tenure Makes it Virtually Impossible to Wrest American From Stranglehold of Utopian Idealists.

Without tenure, the ivory tower elites would have been thrown out the moment their students were unable to learn properly.

In fact, the entire tenure system makes a mockery of all the money taxpayers sink into the education system in hopes that the children will have a better future.

Perhaps it can be said that without tenure, the ivory tower elites would never have dared to dream that they could put into place a blueprint that would enable them to exterminate the masses.

Anyone that reads Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt’s The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, will soon realize that the ivory tower elites had to first gain control of the colleges.

From there, it was a simple matter to dictate how younger children would learn.

As can be seen in modern times, they now control how babies are taught virtually from the moment of birth. Interestingly enough, this could not happen without destroying the family.

While it is not often mentioned, breaking family values was one thing the elites needed to accomplish during the course of U.S. higher education history.

Anyone that watched the Unsinkable Molly Brown will recall how the character of Molly changed once her husband struck gold.

In a similar way, the masses have been fed a pack of lies when it comes to the promise that spending money will help them get rich.

Unfortunately, buying cars, homes with mortgages, and all kinds of electronic gadgets only helps individuals like Bill Gates, Carnegie, Vanderbilt, and Rockefeller get richer, while the masses get poorer.

Now that Head Start, daycare, and “preschool” have reached epidemic proportions, scientists are uncovering all kinds of unhealthy patterns in young children.

For example, children with diabetes, hypertension, obesity, stress disorders and ADD are more common than ones with no physical and mental problems.

On the other hand, very few want to admit that single parents, and ones that are incapable of finding decent jobs are forced to put children in daycare.

As a result, U.S. higher education history becomes yet another piece of evidence that details how the elites managed to destroy the very backbone of America.

Reason for the Failed System

The Loss of Rugged Individuals

In order to shape people into relying on commercial electricity, supermarkets, and thruway systems, the mindset of the rugged individual had to be destroyed.

Among other things, farmers had to be encouraged to live in cities, and schooling had to become mandatory for children of a certain age.

Even though the elites were trying to stop child labor, there is no question that members of their own rank created those factories in order to encourage the masses to place more emphasis on schooling than natural talent and ingenuity.

This can clearly be seen in the U.S. higher education history.

Communes and Concentration Camps

If the flower children of the 60’s had their way, the elites would indeed have had an enormous problem on their hands.

Among other things, people living in self sufficient communes would never be driven to merging with the rest of the world.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the utopian elites preferred to go on with reshaping the schools in order to turn this beautiful planet into an enormous concentration camp, complete with greenhouse gases.

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