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What Does a Fascist Believe Reveals an Ugly System of Hate

The Heart of What Does a Fascist Believe is Dangerous and Frightening.

The rise of American fascism is a significant enough concern that it is worthwhile to investigate what does a fascist believe.

By knowing that, it is easier to spot continued inroads that the fascist movement is making in this country.

The warning signs of fascism are already evident in many elements of the way America works.

Fascism will seek to impose a radical system of thought that is both authoritarian and very nationalistic.

The use of faux patriotism to drive the quest for war in the last decade is a classic example of fascism at work.

Single party rule of the government is also a mainstay of the fascist system of thought.

The quest to eliminate a multi-party system has also been on display in the public dialog as the efforts by the opposition party to question the invasion of Iraq and other decisions by the government lead to open accusations of treason against anyone who would question the authority of the ruling class.

Radical Patriotism

Fascism also promotes strictly enforced national unity that is built around a rabid nationalism or patriotism that everyone must obey on fear of severe castigation or worse.

That devout and extreme patriotism promotes the will of the state over individualism.

This tenant of fascism is particularly difficult to reconcile with the American personality where rugged individualism has always been considered heroic.

But an aggressive attempt has been underway by the media that has been in lock step with an elite fascist leadership has made every effort to portray any form of individualism, uniqueness or creativity as dangerous and evidence of anti-Americanism and treason.

That propaganda campaign is also very much in step with fascism.

The Survival of the Strong

The understanding of what does a fascist believe would be incomplete without including the concept of war.

It is a core tenant of fascist ideology that warfare, political conflict and racial tension is healthy because it leads to social Darwinism.

The outcome would result in the survival of the master race due to social evolution.

That urge to create a social system based on violence and the survival of the strong and wealthy fits with the fascist belief system that is a mentality of the warrior which seeks to conquer and dominate others and eventually destroy the poor and the weak.

It is impossible to summarize what does a fascist believe without adding the principle of suppression of criticism and destructions of the rights of the individual.

As such, the concept that the individual might have the power to affect government through elections runs contrary to fascist ideology.

The efforts to create a political system in America where elections are little more than popularity contests but to subvert the outcomes so that the decision is taken away form the people is directly a result of continued gains that fascism is making in this country.

In fact, to understand what does a fascist believe, it is crucial to see why a fascist views any other viewpoint not only as wrong but as a mental disease.

That very phrase has been offered as a way of explaining why anyone would dare to criticize the decisions made by their fascist leadership in the last ten years.

What does a fascist believe may go back as far as the origination of the word. It came from the Italian term fascismo which means to bundle or to group things in to a union.

The fasces in Italian refers to a group of rods tied together.

This is a perfect image of fascism which holds to strength through unity and suppression of any form of opposition to the fascist state.

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