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Some Americans are Still in Denial About Organic Food Trends

The Secret of Organic Food Trends Continues. 

Even though consumers have an interest in the organic food trends, the elite group is trying to keep it out of the market place and the media. 

More Americans are becoming aware of their health, but still don’t have enough knowledge to make the ultimate change to eating healthier. 

The elite planners keep this information out of the school system as well as out of the homes of American citizens. 

People need to know that although organic food is more expensive, in the long run it saves the environment and the health of those who eat it as well as saving money on medical cost. 

The more GM foods we eat, the sicker we get and end up in the doctor’s office to receive pharmaceutical drugs that make us sicker. 

The elite planners aim to make this happen so that we can fatten their pockets with more money made from selling these prescribed drugs and infected foods. 

The media pushes the idea that eating fast food is tastier than organic foods and so people opt for the better taste rather than the healthier choice. 

The organic food trends are catching on, but since there is such limited information, it is at a slower pace as people choose to buy cheaper. 

Organic foods are not completely void of pesticides because once they are being used by farmers on GM foods they pollute the environment and make it harder to keep them away from natural foods. 

This is the way the elite planners want it to be because even a little contamination is enough to make one person get sick and have to go to the doctor. 

Food Production

Global Outreach

Organic food trends are growing globally as people are taking their health into their own hands and the elite group is scrambling to keeping it out of the homes of Americans. 

When you walk the isle of the grocery store, though, there is a small section that promotes organic food compared to the large section of GM foods. 

The global outreach of organic and natural foods makes the demand higher than usual, but people are still not buying enough of these foods. 

Farmers are competing with each other for huge grocery store contracts to get their products on the shelves, but these are GM foods that they cannot produce fast enough. 

So instead of producing food naturally, they use faster methods such as fertilizers and hormones.

The elite group controls what farmers do because they impose strict rules against farmers to do what they want done. 

The farmers have no other recourse, but to surrender to the tactics of the wealthy elite and use cheaper methods to produce foods that will sell faster on the grocery shelf. 

Fattening Alternative

The sad truth is that American children especially are at risk for heart attack, obesity and a lot of other issues.

Organic food trends are kept secret to families who are being fed with GM foods. 

Instead, parents will prefer to give their children fast food to quench their immediate hunger and think about the consequences afterwards.

The elite group makes sure to keep it this way.

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