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Telephone Speech Recognition and the Government

Telephone Speech Recognition is Being Used By Government on Every American Citizen. 

Telephone speech recognition is used by many government agencies but it is especially important to the NSA

Right in the middle between Washington DC and Baltimore you’ll find NSA, it’s own hidden city, where some of the most top secret spying for the nation is done.

NSA’s job is to secretly listen in on all the telephone conversations in America using speech recognition

It’s a little ironic that the NSA is not spying on intelligence overseas but right here in our very own back yard.

They are listening to everything we say. The scope of what happens at NSA will pretty hard to comprehend.

Why is it they listen to everything we do and say using telephone speech recognition and surveillance, yet when it came to before the 911 attack there seems to be no information being disclosed.

Why is that? It seems they were listening to the terrorists regularly before the attack.

Terrorists living in San Francisco were in constant communication with Bin Laden himself.

Yet the NSA did not pass that information onto any other government agency.

They never told a sole that the terrorists were in the United States and on the move towards Washington.

Do you not find that at all troubling when they are using telephone speech recognition on us and against us.

Speech Recognition is Everywhere

It’s a Bit Like Reading Your Personal Diary

The use of telephone speech recognition software to intercept and listen to your telephone and cell phone calls is somewhat troubling.

It’s been likened to the officials sitting down and reading your personal diary.

All of these technologies allow the NSA, FBI, CIA, and who know who else have at their disposal to watch over us, listen to every word, see where we are going, how long we are there, and even what we are doing.

The Patriot Act has completely destroyed our freedom and ignored the constitution.

And the irony of all of this is America is no safer than it ever was, because the enemy isn’t hiding in a mountain pass in another country.

The enemy is right here at home. It is the people we elect to power.

H.R. 6304 – The FISA Amendment Act

It was on July 4th 2008 that America lost is liberty, its freedom, and its independence, for this is the day that the FISA Amendment Act became law.

This law allows the government to intercept your phone calls, your emails, track the websites you surf.

It also allows the President to personally search you anyway, anywhere, and anyhow for a full 7 days without telling anyone where you are or why you are being detained.

Your Fourth Amendment rights have been completely destroyed.

The irony is that they have been taken by those who are sworn to defend us.

The Patriot Act is a bit ironic don’t you think. Freedom isn’t free anymore in America.

What Can You Do?

You could do what millions will do and that is grab another beer, put your feet up and tune into your favorite television show without a care in the world to what’s going on.

But when you awaken, don’t be surprised to discover your America is gone.

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