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Blog Category: Government

However, Grass Roots Activism is Slow and Powerful, and can Make a Big Impact. Grass roots activism is one of the most time-honored and effective ways to make changes in the United States of America.  Grass roots activists have changed everything from preventing local trees from being torn down to create a supermarket, to changing

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Greenspan Membership in a Secret Society is a Step Toward the New World Order.  Greenspan membership in a secret society is something that has not gotten a great deal of attention, even though the society is a danger to the people of the world.  Greenspan is a member of the Trilateral Commission, and the goal

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The Government Puts Gun Rights at Risk to Weaken the Masses. When People are Forced to Give Up the Ability to Defend Themselves, They Become Easy Prey for Rule by NWO Elites. Gun rights at risk is an unfortunate fact in today’s society. Gun control is the faulty idea that criminals who ignore the laws

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Health Care Activism Promotes Much-Needed Reform. Health care activism is one of the most important civic duties that American citizens today can undertake.  The health care system is in dire need of reform.  The system is inherently flawed when the people who can afford to pay for it get health care, while low-income people who

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The Fundamentals of Democracy Are Forced On Us By the Government, But They Are Flawed, Deceptive and Harmful to Society. The fundamentals of democracy are that the majority rule, and it results in a mobocracy, the minority’s rights are unjustly trampled, there is a communistic negating of property rights and discontent and anarchy reigns. The

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The Truth About the Founding Fathers on Socialism. Programs Designed to Help People Lead to Dangerous Levels of State Power and Fascism. It is important to understand the view of the founding fathers on socialism in order to get a feel for what socialism is all about and how the founding fathers of our country felt

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