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Blog Category: History

Not All American Revolution Acts Were Violent. Many Fine Examples of Patriotic Protest and Peaceful Participation by Citizens in Civil Unrest Are Relevant Today. Not all of the American Revolution acts were violent. Some of the deeds which led to the forming of the nation, while potentially destructive, were not battles between two armed forces.

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The American Revolution Documents Illustrate Our Struggle for Freedom. Another American Revolution is Brewing Today and We all Must Participate to Save Our Freedom. The American Revolution documents America’s struggle to achieve independence from British government and rule following parliamentary passage of several Acts intended to assist Britain in financing the protection and maintenance of

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American Revolution 1775 to 1783 Resulted in Independence From Britain. American Revolution Today Will Result in Our Independence From Tyrannous Banking Elites. The American Revolution 1775 to 1783 victory was the result of many factors, none of which were more important than another. George Washington could only look back at the ups and downs of

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English Revolution and Capitalism May Seem Like an Unlikely Cause and Effect, But the Truth is These Two Concepts Are Inextricably Linked. English revolution and capitalism are ideas the elite embrace and  perpetuate because they believe capitalism forced through revolution will unite the world. The elite are hoping to create a world in which capitalism

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The Columbus Genocide led to the Death of Millions. The Columbus Genocide led to the Death of Millions. Genocide is defined as the systematic destruction of a race or group of people either in whole or in part. Considering that Christopher Columbus led the way for the eventual European settlement of North America, the resulting

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Christopher Columbus and Genocide Are Deeply Interrelated as His Invasion of the Americas Led to the Spread of Disease and Millions of Violent and Innocent Deaths. There is no doubt that Christopher Columbus and genocide are not correlated in the history books used to teach children today. However, Christopher Columbus was responsible for the decimation

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