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Illegal Methods for Sterilization by NWO

Secret Methods for Sterilization are Wrong.

Involuntary and illegal methods for sterilization are happening almost every day unknowingly to citizens of the U.S.? 

Did you know that George W. Bush illegally authorized sterilization of Native American citizens? 

Evidence has been surfacing for decades over illegal plans to sterilize those not fitting the picture for the new world order.

This is a plan devised to de-populate and selectively breed the population according to a group of highly influential world leaders in the corporate and financial sectors.

The truth is that there is a conspiracy afoot, which aims to use eugenics to turn humanity into a uniform, subservient worker race for the new world order.

It is true. Just do a bit of research on organizations such as Bilderberg, Trilateral commission and the council on foreign relations.

They have been using various methods of sterilization from poisoning to more direct approaches after child-birth and in some cases direct genocide is used to limit populations.

This is in an effort to ensure that they remain at the top of the world, whilst ordinary people slowly become indoctrinated and subjugated as according to the agenda of those in control.

Transhumanism and Eugenics as Prescribed by the New World Order

The facts we covered above do not even begin to detail the full atrocities that are being committed by the new world order in their vision for a new Earth.

What is scary, is that no one really knows what that vision is, other than that are in charge and plan to globalize the world and create a single currency totalitarian state.

It is strange that this is actually something that is going to happen. What’s even more worrying is that it has been prophesized in revelations and by many other ancient pieces of literature.

But what is important is what is happening to ordinary people, as the various western countries have started in their plan for depopulation and eugenics by utilizing secret methods for sterilization.

This includes tampering with our food supply by introducing xeno-hormones increasing breast cancer and reducing sperm counts, filling water supplies with fluoride to “help” our teeth making us docile and infertile, and green-lighting GM crops which will pollute our genomes.

It does not stop there, look at how we are being subjected to GSM radiation on a daily basis, which is also playing its part in sterilizing the western world.

The Illegal Methods for Sterilization Must End

It would seem that the only parts of the world not being affected by illegal methods for sterilization are the third world countries that do not have the infrastructure where they can be implemented.

However, in these countries, usually it is performed surgically when women give birth.

One could also argue that the spread of HIV is a secret method of sterilization being used by the NWO.

In fact, as long as “overpopulation” is prevented, they will go to any means necessary to ensure their agenda is met.

Whether it is Swine flu or HIV, they will not stop until we stand up against them.

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