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Debt to Success System - Page 354 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

Why Consciousness is the Key to Change the World

Those craftily manipulating and enslaving us are caring less and less about whether or not we buy into their carefully cultivated 5-sense, 3D fake reality, played out in the world theatre of illusion. Consciousness is the quality or state of being aware of an external object or something within oneself, such as thoughts, feelings, memories, or

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The Story of Marvin Siegel: What Every American Needs to Know

A former cop who was caught with 1,500 indecent images of children including pictures of child rape, has been given a suspended sentence. Darren Wright, 38, blamed his two bouts of cancer as the reason for his crime. Wright’s home in Southport, where he lives with his parents, was raided on June 9. Legal representatives

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Stage-3 Myeloma Cancer Completely ELIMINATED with a Turmeric Supplement – British Medical Journal

For decades, the medical establishment has colluded with the for-profit cancer industry to smear anyone who talked about herbs, spices or superfoods fighting Myeloma cancer. Food doesn’t contain “medicine,” we were told by the dishonest establishment. Only FDA-approved toxic medications can “treat” cancer, the propagandists insisted. Yet millions of people across the globe continued to

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Pakistan Says the US Is No Longer Its Ally — and It’s a Much Bigger Deal Than You Think

Written by Darius Shahtahmaseb Donald Trump’s decision to ring in the New Year by simultaneously demonizing both Iran and Pakistan on Twitter has already backfired tremendously. Following threats that the U.S. would withhold aid to Pakistan, the U.S. confirmed it would withhold $255 million in aid (which has now become $900 million) and is now reportedly threatening a roughly $2 billion more, as

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Common Food Ingredients Is Zapping Your Memory Away Leading To Alzheimer’s

One of the world’s most common food ingredients is finally being outed as a big, fat fraud. We hope you are sitting down for this one! This polyunsaturated oil is touted as healthy by the big food industries, fast food industries, the natural health communities (!), and even our regulatory agencies. We’re talking about canola oil! One of the

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Bakers Sue State Because Selling Cake is Illegal and Will Get You Thrown in Jail—Seriously

By Rachel Blevins Bakers in New Jersey are fed up with the possibility of a $1,000 fine for selling a single cake, and they are coming together to sue the only state that makes it illegal for individuals to sell home-baked goods. Fines, as TFTP has frequently reported are enforced through the threat of police action. If these

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