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911 Has Been Used to Justify Hidden Video Surveillance

Is Hidden Video Surveillance Affecting Your Rights and Should You be Concerned.

Hidden video surveillance has been used a great deal more since 911 especially now that it is so easy to justify just why we need it. 

While using it to keep an eye on criminal elements especially the terrorists makes a lot of sense on the surface, what doesn’t make sense how innocent peoples rights are being affected and yet so easily justified by government.

While Bush and his croons might have you believe that surveillance is all in the name of protecting you, if you were brave enough to dig a little deeper you might come to realize that our government is sinister and has no ones interest at heart other than their own. 

So are we so scared of what the terrorists might do to us that we are willing to give up our own freedom and turn into a police state?

One must remember that while hidden video surveillance is busy watching the potential terrorists and the criminals, government is busy watching you too.

Even if you are innocent and doing nothing wrong, the watching of your movements impedes your rights.

Remember too that hidden means just that, you have no idea where these cameras have been placed, and should their be controversy the government will simply claim it was in an effort to protect against terrorism, and that there had been a immanent threat.

Are your rights to give up your freedom? 

Bush Justifies Hidden Video Surveillance

Do We Really Need this Kind of Surveillance

Where will the surveillance end? Once upon a time it was a few surveillance cameras at a subway station, then it was a few more on the street corners, and now its hidden video surveillance.

But you know what hidden means – you can’t see it. That means there could be a camera just about every imaginable place. Are you okay with that? 

Before long there will be RFID chips not just in some of the clothing we buy but in everything.

What better way for the government to know exactly what you are doing, what you are buying, where you are going, and while RFID technology may not be video surveillance it is certainly hidden surveillance.

If that isn’t enough to scare you, then you likely don’t care much about your freedom.

All in the Name of Protection from Terrorism

While there is little doubt that terrorists exist and that they pose a threat how much of a threat we will never really know since our government seems to be one scare tactic after another.

And while the Nazi’s are condemned for the fear they instilled in their people to create the kind of loyalty they wanted, many feel that the Bush administration is little better continuously putting Americans on edge using terrorism scare tactics.

When people are scared it is so much easier to shove something down their throat that they might otherwise bulk at. Hidden video surveillance is one of those things.

Prior to 911 if you had told the American people you were going to place hidden cameras on the streets there would have been outrage. 

But what do we get now? A unified yes that’s a good idea to protect us.

In reality the cameras do nothing to protect us because the act is being committed when the filming is occurring. Does it help catch those criminal elements? That depends on who you ask.

While we talk about hidden video surveillance and whether it should be used or not, remember this, it could be out there right now – on every street corner, in the local restaurant, in the washrooms, in your home.

Yes that’s right in your home, after all terrorists may lurk there.

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