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How Solar Flares Directly Affect Human Consciousness

How Solar Flares Directly Affect Human Consciousness

Everything within this dense configuration of reality that we call the Universe is interconnected. Through this interconnectedness, everything affects everything else.  From the dawn of human spiritual experiences to present-day scientific discoveries, the reality of oneness and interconnectedness has continued to permeate as a recurring aspect of existence within the vastness of what we refer to as Reality. Solar Flares Directly Affect Human Consciousness

We are realizing that change and transformation, whether it be in society, consciousness, or otherwise is directly affected by other elements of our universe that we sometimes fail to realize have the ability to affect us in transformational ways.

These connections, which many times are unable to be seen through the limited field of human awareness act as two-way portals and tunnels through which energy particles and fields travel through. This may seem like something out of a sci-fi story but has time and time again been proven to be a very genuine part of our reality.

It was only in 2008 that it was publicly stated that there are magnetic portals that connect the sun’s magnetic field with the earth’s.  A year earlier scientists uncovered an elaborate and vast web of cosmic filaments hundreds of millions of light years long that connect galaxies to each other.

Not only are the sun and the earth linked with each other but so are galaxies light years upon light years away. Distance is no obstacle for the interconnectedness of our universe. Getting back to the sun and the earth, we come to a very significant and important realization…that solar flares have a direct effect on everything that exists on our blue marble…even human consciousness.

Solar flares were found to directly affect the mental and physical state of humans in 2008 and three years later, we are seeing just how true that finding truly is. The sun has such incredible power that it is able to send solar flares shooting into the Earth’s atmosphere and affecting its electromagnetic energy field, as well as affecting each person’s electromagnetic energy field.

When looking at profound shifts in society and consciousness, we can find the pineal gland to be of particular importance.  Yes, this tiny part of our brain that has been professed as being a DMT production laboratory acting as our gateway into more subtle planes and dimensions of Reality also regulates circadian rhythm and melatonin production… it is incredibly sensitive to magnetic fields.

The case for solar flares directly affecting human consciousness is of the utmost importance right now, since we can see all around us and within our own lives the intense changes and transformations occurring.

These changes are exasperated by the electromagnetic forces at play around us. The Russian scientist Tchijevsky put together the histories of 72 countries beginning at 500 BCE and culminating in 1922 within the present era.  He constructed an Index of Mass Human Excitability, in which he found that 80% of the most significant human events occurred during a 5 year period surrounding the peak of solar activity

What this discovery shows us is that when solar-geomagnetic activity is changing the fastest, it has the greatest potential to affect our moods, behavior patterns, creativity, and trends. We are in for quite an interesting next few years. There is a positive side to the increase in solar activity. Periods of increased solar activity don’t just correlate with societal unrest, but also give rise to innovation and enhanced imagination in architecture, arts, and science.

The old social structures which are not helping humanity become more consciously evolved might be replaced with more suitable and sustainable models. Above all else, this is a time of opportunity and possibility and the chance to use these rushes of energy to create humanitarian advances and a sustainable living environment.

Something that each and every one of us can do is to increase the emotional balance and coherence within ourselves. Harmony is essential in times of chaos. This will enable us as individuals to use these influxes of energy to our advantage.

Through my own research, it is clear to me that our ancient ancestors had far more knowledge of the sun, moon, stars, planets and the electromagnetic connection between them all.  Astrology is the oldest and most accurate form of science.  It has been turned into mythology and the scientific understanding of it was censored and tightly controlled by powerful elites and secret society networks.

Astrology is an ancient practice which is a combination of art and science, as it is both intuitive and technical. Based on the observation of the cosmos around us, it measures the energy influencing Earth and it’s inhabitants. It has been used for thousands of years by many different cultures and indigenous tribes across the globe, all of whom had their own systems of measurement. Generally speaking, astrology is based on the positioning of planets, stars, time of day, and the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.


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