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A Child GPS Tracking Device is Available

A Child GPS Tracking Device is Being Used to Get Kids Ready For the New World Order.

They banking mafia have been working steadily to get the child GPS tracking device to be used by every parent. The banking mafia needs to get a tracking device into every human as a way to be able to gain the control over the masses necessary to create a New World Order.

They have been working to make every parent utilize a device that is embedded in their child’s backpack in order to keep them safe. They have been using the mainstream media in order to tell you your child can be abducted by predators and killers.

They do this in order to scare you enough to make you believe you need to do whatever is necessary to take care of your children. When you embed the GPS device in the backpack you are given a monitor which allows you to be able to see where your child is at any time even on the go.

Programs are available so you can not only watch where your child currently is, but where they have gone throughout the day.

They do this in order to desensitize you to the concept of your children being tracked as they go about the business of living their daily lives.

Once they are able to get the majority of parents invested in embedding children’s backpacks with tracking devices, they will scare you with the idea of your child being separated from the backpack.

They will do this in order to get you to believe you should then go to the extreme of implanting a tracking device under the skin of your child.

Tracking Dogs

The bridge the banking mafia has had to gap in order to get you comfortable with tracking living things has been made by using such things as a tracking device for dogs.

The chip implanted in the ear of your dog is supposed to keep your dog safe, but it is really there just to get you ready for an implantable child GPS tracking device.

While it may seem grotesque to you now to implant a child with something to track them, a few decades ago it would have seemed rather perverse to implant a chip in a dog’s ear to track them. This is why the banking mafia is moving to implant chips in the soldiers.

Tracking Soldiers

In order to get you used to the idea of a child GPS tracking device, the banking mafia has been trying to get the microchip produced by the VeriChip Corporation to be implanted in every soldier.

They are trying to sell the idea to the public as a way to save lives through technology.

They will tell you about how the devices will allow the command to save the troops from being ambushed from enemies as well as saving them from P.O.W. camps. The truth is they are looking to test the device just as much as they are looking to get you used to the technology in living humans.

Controlling Thoughts and Feelings

The child GPS tracking device is just one of the many stepping stones the banking mafia is looking to overcome as they work towards injecting microcomputers built through nanotechnology that will have the capability to directly control your thoughts and feelings.

They will be able to communicate with the device through the 3G network they have been creating in the cities of the world. This ability to directly control your mind will be the last step in the process of being able to create a New World Order.

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