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A Global Positioning Auto Receiver Allows the Elite to Track Vehicles

A Global Positioning Auto Receiver Does Much More Than Tell You Where to go in Your Car. 

The next time that you are getting ready to go somewhere and you are tempted to utilize your global positioning auto receiver you may want to think twice. 

The elite have seen to it that almost every new car coming off of the assembly line is fully equipped with an auto receiver. 

Marketing has been used to brainwash the public into believing that not only is the usage of such devices convenient, but completely normal. 

So completely has big brother convinced everyone that they need auto receivers that people will turn on the device even when making the routine trip home from work. 

All of this is the way that the elite has lulled us into the daydream that it is OK to be tracked everywhere that we go. 

Just like the sirens lured sailors from safe waters to certain death, the elite are using the allure of “helpful” auto receivers to track and record our movements. 

They tell you that all you have to do is plug in your coordinates and it will interface with satellites to calculate your exact position on the globe and give you exact directions to where you want to go. 

What you do not bargain for is the global positioning auto receiver being used to report back to the elite where you are going and where you have been. 

Once we are all comfortable with the idea of being tracked the next step will be implanted RFID chips already in production by the VeriChip corporation. 

These RFID chips will be able to interact with any GPS enabled device to report where you are no matter how far away from electronics you try to get as they will store the information until read. 

RFID chips in use today in everyday items like your passport and credit cards to pass along information to the elite about where you have been and what you have purchased. 

The FISA law of 1978 that was supposed to protect American citizens from being spied on has been ignored thanks to the Patriot Act. 

Big brother now has the right to watch your every move through electronics like your global positioning auto receiver that is supposed to make your life better. 

Verichip Secrets

Tracking is for the Birds 

Ever since the first satellite was put into space there has been measures aboard to keep an eye on the world.

What started as cameras has evolved into something bigger and more sinister. 

The elite can use these magnificent marvels of technology to track without effort.

Every car being equipped with an auto receiver allows the satellites to track not only where you are going, but where you have been and how fast you traveled to get there. 

Happily Brainwashed 

So eager is the public to ignore the fact that big brother has us in his hold that we smile at the fact that every car comes with a global positioning auto receiver now.

We have been told of how great this new technology is and we happily embrace it. 

When the elite move on the next order of control we will all easily fall into it as well because we will be blinded by what we want to see as something that is great and wonderful.

In all actuality it is just another measure of control to keep order.

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