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A Global Positioning System Tracking Device is Every Cell Phone

When the United States military opened their global positioning system for private use, it opened a Pandora’s box of surveillance activities on the world. 

Even though the military application offers higher precision than the civilian version, there was finally a way for the ruling elite to track the masses, and soon most would be carrying some form of a global positioning system tracking device 

Today there are countless devices that rely on GPS data and many even have a wireless connection. 

Many cell phones today have built in GPS as a feature, and may more include a GPS receiver even if they don’t have any GPS user features. 

So in essence, when carrying a cell phone a person is really carrying a global positioning system tracking device. 

The banking and ruling elite love this, not only are the people giving them a way to track their every moves, the people are paying for it with their own money. 

An individual’s cell phone records alone tell volumes about that person’s lifestyle and habits.

But what the ruling elite wants to change about that is that a cell phone can still be put down and left behind. 

An Implanted Global Positioning System Tracking Device

So the next step is to implant a device that’s in everyone and can be tracked all the time, everywhere. 

As technology happy as many people are there is still great reluctance to accept a physical implant with many.

Much like the cell phone or a car’s built in road service button, in order for the implanted chip to be everywhere it must be something that the people will ask for voluntarily. 

The planned implant chip will need to serve several functions and there will have to be a desire for these functions. 

The people behind the Federal Reserve and America’s big banks are the ones pushing the ‘VeriChip’ as a means to conduct all financial transactions. 

Devising a Plan so People will Want a Global Positioning System Tracking Device

To do this they will try to create an event in which massive credit card and banking fraud is committed on such a large scale that everyone’s finances will be affected.

The implanted chip will be presented as a means to avoid such a (staged) catastrophe from reoccurring. 

The other leg of support that they will seek is the fact that people can be identified simply by their chip and without ID. 

To drive that point home, another attack on America from within will be the most likely scenario.

Playing on the Emotions of Every American

The thousands of horrific deaths that occurred on September 11 shook the hearts of every American and people around the world. 

In the wake of the tragedy many rights where taken from Americans, under the guise of anti-terror legislature, and most were happy to give up their freedom, because they thought it would protect them to do so. 

It will take the greatest tragedy ever committed on American soil, with countless unidentifiable survivors, for Americans to choose to be identifiable electronically. 

The world saw that such acts are not impossible on September 11, 2001. 

It is time to stand up for your rights America, or they will be gone before anyone realized what really happened.

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