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A List of Pharmaceutical Companies

A Complete List of Pharmaceutical Companies Must Include “Big Pharma” Giants. These Sinister Monsters Work Hand in Hand With the AMA & FDA to Poison the Population.

Although there are literally hundreds on the list of pharmaceutical companies around the world, only the most wealthy and powerful of them have become extremely dangerous to the general public.

It seems they put corporate profit ahead of people.

The reason many of these pharmaceutical companies have become dangerous to the public, is because they release untested drugs without knowing potential side effects, to treat diseases that may not actually be a real disease in the first place.

Through this practice, many innocent and healthy people can become ill due to a medications side effects when they were actually just fine in the first place.

Many so called diseases or disorders are in fact normal human conditions that have been reworded and reclassified as disorders, such as anger, sadness, confusion or frustration, shyness.

Because the entire list of pharmaceutical companies have been marketing medications to treat these disorders, their profit share has increased by massive proportions and turned their industry into a veritable giant.

Many believe that the cure to these disorders lies within the methods humanity used to deal with them prior to the introduction of dangerous medications in the hopes of relieving the disorder.

Many people who were stressed or depressed, would either go exercise or go meet with friends in order to medicate themselves naturally, but in today’s society many people have turned their back on these natural remedies and are now becoming dependent on highly addictive pharmaceutical medications.

Government and Pharma Companies

Many critics believe that the government, through the Food and Drug Administration, have been quietly complicit and on board with pharmaceutical profit goals, and have happily passed many dangerous untested substances through the process without flagging them as dangerous or warning anyone about the possible consequences of taking it.

Because of the failure of the FDA to prevent these types of catastrophes, many believe that the answer is simply to purge the FDA, and create very stiff penalties for corruption within the FDA.

Although it is clearly the immoral mistakes of the pharmaceutical corporations, their bought and paid for representatives posing as FDA officials, have clearly merged the guilt between industry and government.

Are these Practices Illegal?

Many of these practices are considered highly illegal and if an individual person were convicted of some of these crimes they would spend their entire life in prison.

But corporations are able to limit liability and protect investors from legal action, as any legal action would be brought against the legal fiction the corporation itself.

The list of pharmaceutical companies caught breaking the law are typically fined somewhat large sums of money as punishment. But other crimes have gone unnoticed, such as the bribing of FDA officials, the knowing endangerment of the public, false advertisement, among other illegal behavior.

Since these corporations have bought influence in the halls of government, it is not expected that any justice or resolutions will be found anytime soon.

Pharma Companies a Liability?

Has the list of pharmaceutical companies become a liability for the human race? Many believe it has become a liability, because the amount of death and destruction caused by the several dozen highly dangerous and questionable drugs have caused.

If the pharmaceutical corporations are not put under strict control by the people, than they will eventually make laws that force everyone to be on drugs and things will quickly devolve into totalitarianism.

The majority of successful medicine in history has been derived from plants or animals found within nature, and pharmaceutical corporations only patent the process they use to turn it into a pill, not the actual chemical itself in the case of chemicals found within nature.

The human race needs various types of medication, few will disagree, but also many agree that the list of pharmaceutical companies need to be strictly regulated and their power needs to be significantly limited.

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