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A Theology of Liberation

A Theology of Liberation

A Theology of Liberation Used to Cover up Crimes

Our nation is based on a theology of liberation as the earliest colonists from the Old World came here seeking religious freedom. 

This desire to be allowed to worship and live as one wanted transmuted itself into a strong desire for political and economic freedom as well. 

Our Founding Fathers fought, and many Americans have died, for these rights. 

The desire to be free is engrained in the American way of life, yet over the past century a systematic attack on these freedoms has taken place. 

The upper echelons of the worlds of business, politics, the media and military have been corrupted by outside forces. 

They are used as minions and servants by a group of international banking criminals who seek to bring about one world government. 

These are the people behind the New World Order and they will stop at nothing to dislodge a theology of liberation we have cultivated for hundreds of years. 

In order to bring about the New World Order’s system of oppression and worldwide control they must first wear down our ideas about freedom and get us to accept tyranny at all levels of our lives. 

They use their propaganda machine, the mass media, to convince us that we should willing give up our rights and that it’s in our best interest to do so. 

With nothing more than a simple false flag attack on this country they have convinced the supposed beacon of freedom and democracy to hand over its freedom and liberty in exchange for temporary security.

False Flag Attack

A false flag attack is a military strategy used by governments for thousands of years.

An attack is perpetrated against your own people and then blamed on your enemy in order to galvanize the public and strengthen their will to fight. Our nation is not above using a false flag attack to achieve its goals. 

Operation Northwoods was devised in the 1950’s as a means to conquer Cuba.

Not happy with the communist controlled island being 90 miles off the coast of the Florida the military proposed terrorist attacks on American targets and blaming them on Cuba as a pretense to invade.


In order to dislodge a theology of liberation in this country the banking criminals knew that something major would have to happen.

The false flag 9/11 attacks fit the bill perfectly. These “terrorist” attacks gave the federal government carte blanc to do as they pleased domestically and abroad while swelling the ranks of the military. 

Because of the 9/11 attacks the federal government was able to push the Patriot Act and subsequent similar laws that dramatically increased its ability to spy on its own citizens and indoctrinate us to a new normal of control. 

These laws completely broke down the checks and balances system designed by our Founding Fathers and made the executive branch the most dominate in the system.

Never Ending War

The supposed architect of these attacks, Osama Bin Laden, is claimed to still be on the run by our government.

The aging terrorist suffers from debilitating kidney issues and needs frequent medical care and dialysis, yet our government wants us to believe that he is hiding in a cave somewhere plotting new attacks. 

Osama will never be officially found because as long as he is “at large” and Al Queda exists then they can go on waging their war against terrorism all around the world.

It gives them an excuse to do whatever they want around the globe while also keeping this nation on a virtual lock down. 

As it stands now a theology of liberation that our nation is based on has been completely abolished.

The government can arrest, detain, try and even execute you without ever informing anyone they have you.

They can spy on your phone, TV and Internet usage and don’t have to tell you or any other branch of the government.

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