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Aaron Russo 9/11 Truth Producer

Aaron Russo 9/11 Truth Producer

The Aaron Russo 9/11 Truth Comments Are Clear. The Maker of ‘Freedom to Fascism’ States Plain & Simply That the Twin Towers Were Felled by Controlled Demolition.

DTSS review of Academy Award nominee Aaron Russo 9/11 truth supporter and maker of such well known films as “Trading Places” and “The Rose,” makes no qualms about clearly denouncing the government for covering up the truth regarding the WTC collapse.

Mr. Russo has a well established career in mainstream film and culture so it is important to note that his mind was changed by overwhelming evidence he reviewed.

“I’m very familiar with the 9/11 Truth movement.  And I’m totally convinced that 9/11 was a fraud. 

“There’s no doubt in my mind about that.  At first I didn’t want to believe it.  It’s such an ugly thing to believe…”

He goes on to explain how facts derived from video evidence that is available to us all make the truth about what happened very obvious.

“Most people believe that two buildings fell down that day in New York… Three buildings went down that day, not two.  And the third building was called Building number 7. 

And that was a 47-story office tower.  It was pretty big.  It wasn’t as big as the Twins, but it was still enormous.   If you’ve ever seen the tape of it falling, you realize it’s a controlled demolition. 

It came straight down.  Like you see those building in Vegas come down…. “

“Pull it” Comment tells the Whole Story

“He [Larry Silverstein, the building owner] said the Fire Department decided to pull it.  Meaning to bring the building down.  That’s what he said.  Now, that was a big mistake on his part.”

“If you know anything about controlled demolitions you know for a building that size, it would take weeks, weeks to control demolition that building; to plant explosive on all the floors in all the right places.  You couldn’t do it in four or five hours…”

“So, once you know that, and he admitted it was controlled demolition, then you realize that that building had been set up weeks, for weeks in advance of 9/11 ever happening…”

“If it was planned weeks in advance, then 9/11, the Twin Towers, was planned weeks in advance. It can’t be any other way. 

And that’s why the official government report of 9/11 never mentions Building 7.  Because they have no explanation. They have no cover story. 

The other cover story is, ‘Oh, the planes hit it, so it went down’, which by the way, can’t be either.  But rather than getting into all the details, Building 7 is the obvious answer.” 

Russo Concludes U.S. Government is Responsible

“So, when you ask me about 9/11 Truth movement, yes, I believe that and I believe it shows how evil and corrupt our government is.”

Comments like the ones above are truly pricless because they connect the dots into such a clear and easily readable picture that anyone reading them should be compelled to look further into what is really going on with this debate.

Mr. Russo is not the only one making such clear statements, in fact there are thousands and thousands of individuals saying exactly the same thing.

These are not just showbiz types either, the Aaron Russo 9/11 truth sentiments are echoed by many many credible individuals from industries includng: physics, architecture, fire-fighting, college professors, eye-witnesses from the scene, all accounts add up to the same story which is radically different than the official explaination coming from Washington DC.

Ultimate Strength is in Numbers!

So with such a large group of intelligent and well researched people reaching the same conclusion over and over again about what happened that day, it is a telling sign that the US Government continues to refuse a re-examination of the evidence.

As the group grows larger the governemnt position will look weaker and weaker and eventually their hand may be forced.

So keep speaking out, keep standing up and when prominent figures like Mr. Russo come forward from mainstream society in support of this growing wave of awakening consciousness about 9/11, rally behind them and the movement will grow in strength and size.

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