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Abraham Lincoln on the Wealthy: Who?

Abraham Lincoln on the Wealthy: The Bankers Who Sought To Enslave a Nation, and Did.

Abraham Lincoln on the wealthy state of our growing nation mentions more than once his view that Americans should be prosperous and thrive on the resources of their own country.

Lincoln was born into a family without prosperity and learned from a young age that to get anywhere in life you have to take charge and be responsible for your own future.

His humble beginnings and keen mind led him to greatness as he became a prominent lawyer in his youth.

Abraham Lincoln was never influenced by the desire for personal wealth; he would refuse jobs that paid extremely well, on the basis that he may have to compromise his ethics to do it.

In his political career he did the same, refusing any bribe offered to him by the Southern States.

By the time the man ran for the Republican seat he already had respect and wealth.

It was Lincoln’s early years that allowed him to see the corruption of the international banking corporations.

Money had been used as a tool of control and would slowly filter into America during war time, forever enslaving the people who did not recognize the danger involved.

Abraham Lincoln on the Wealthy: Wealth for the People

“Immigration…will land upon our shores hundred of thousands more per year from overcrowded Europe. I intend to point them to the gold and silver that waits for them in the West.

”Tell the miners from me, that I shall promote their interests to the utmost of my ability; because their prosperity is the prosperity of the Nation, and we shall prove in a very few years that we are indeed the treasury of the world.”

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