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Abraham Lincoln Quotes on Slavery

Abraham Lincoln Quotes on Slavery

Abraham Lincoln Quotes on Slavery, Worked to Save Union.

Abraham Lincoln was against expanding slavery throughout the United States, however that didn’t mean he was against the institution itself.

Abraham Lincoln quotes on slavery reveal a conflicted man. One who wants to preserve the Union at all costs, while at the same time doing what must be done for the people.

In 1862 Lincoln worked on two fronts, preventing more States from engaging in the practice of slavery and initiating a plan to send blacks back to Africa.

He issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 and championed the adoption of the 13th amendment to the Constitution, while personally directing the Union in the Civil War.

Lincoln was caught in a vice between two warring factions within his own party.

The copperheads, a group of critics who fought against compromise on the slavery issue and radical republicans, abolitionists who felt the president was moving too slow.

Abraham Lincoln quotes on slavery reveal the conflict he felt walking the fine line between the two groups.

Throughout all of the surrounding conflict, Lincoln was able to keep public opinion on his side. 

A good example of this prevailing public opinion can be seen in the words of the Gettysburg Address. 

At the End of the war, Lincoln walked a path of reconciliation, attempting to make everyone happy with the outcome.

The Pressure of Emancipation

Lincoln the Moderate

Lincoln returned in response to the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854.

The law repealed the limits imposed on the spread of slavery by the Missouri Compromise.

Abraham Lincoln quotes on slavery were used to counter the arguments of Stephen A. Douglas who wanted the States to decide the issue rather than the government.

A House Divided

In 1858, Lincoln delivered his “A house divided” speech during his run for the Senate.

Lincoln’s slavery quotes were levied against a law that would have allowed the State of Kansas into the Union as a slave state. Lincoln opposed this.

Lincoln, Douglas Debates

The Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858 dealt with the slavery issue and directly focused public opinion on the race for the White House.

Abraham Lincoln quotes on slavery show that he argued extensively on the dangers that slavery posed for the entire population.

Douglas maintained throughout that slavery was an issue of State’s rights and nothing more.

From Senator to President

The debates of 1858 made Lincoln a national celebrity.

He emerged as the leading intellectual within the Republican Party and as such was chosen to lead the party and to run for president.

Lincoln carried the day with Republicans because he was an experienced politician, he was from a western state and he was a moderate.

Speaking Out

While Abraham Lincoln quotes on slavery show that he was very vocal on the issue, Lincoln did not campaign for president on the road.

He did not travel preferring to rely on republican party offices around the country to turn out the vote.

His organization successfully promoted the party platform first and Lincoln’s life story second. In November he became the 16th President.

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