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Air Force Drone is Going to Start War

The Air Force Drone is Creating a Police State. Automated Death Machines Designed for Combat-Zones May Soon Patrol the Skies of America in the Name of Security. 

The air force drone is being used right now fighting the war in the Gulf.

Soldiers were happy to see that these drones were going to be used to save lives that would needlessly be lost if shot down while on dangerous missions.

What the elite do not want for you to know is that the drones are just being tested right now in the Gulf for their true purpose of starting World War III.

Once the elite comes out and proposes to create one world government to rule over the masses then there are sure to be people that will not like the idea.

When the war starts, the Air Force will arm itself with these drones to be able to bomb the enemy no matter where they might be hiding.

Already in use to survey areas and report back to the elite, the drones will continue on that mission only with the objective of wiping out anyone who stands against the New World Order.

Insurgencies will be found and snuffed out with the assistance of GPS locating devices and the quiet patience of a drone watching in the sky.

The drones will also help to keep a police state as they will be able to stand as a constant reminder that they are always being watched by Big Brother.

If someone starts to get an idea to go against the elite, then a drone will be commanded to find them and attack them.

The drones have proven to be accurate, and since there is no pilot, the elite do not have to worry about dealing with any persons moral problems with killing citizens.

The Air Force drone can be used in order to wipe out large populations and even entire countries if equipped with the proper weaponry.

Since the elite do not have any morals over who they have to kill to accomplish their goals it is only fitting that they would use a machine to do their bidding.

Using Drones to Create a World War

The part the elite love the most about the Air Force drone is the fact that there is no pilot and no way to tie the missions back to them.

The drone can be sent in to create an environment where one country can blame another for the attack of the drone.

Attacking when sensitivities are high and people are easily provoked, and the elite can easily wipe out half of their enemies without losing a single soldier.

Drones to Control the Population

Once the New World Order is in place, the elite will continue to use the Air Force drone in order to maintain peace.

They will remind people that they are always being watched by the eye in the sky, and if they disobey, then they will die.

With unlimited range, the drones can refuel constantly and stay in the air for longer periods of time.

Killing a citizen will be as easy as pointing and clicking. The elite will be sure to demonstrate this fact whenever they get the chance.

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