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American Council on Pharmaceutical Education Scam

The American Council on Pharmaceutical Education Pushes Drugs for Profit. Chemical Control of the World Population Serves NWO Agenda of Eugenics.

The American Council on Pharmaceutical Education is yet another avenue the economically powerful have mastered.

The council was established in 1932 as a national agency for the accreditation of professional degree programs.

Yet, behind the scenes is an agenda to bombard the youth with a skewed education that highlights the goal of the government and the backers of beltway politicians.

In fact, the entire American education system serves the elite by indoctrinating the youth from a young age, so they are conditioned to support the status quo.

These corrupt powers have single-handedly orchestrated the subversion of education in America and are slowly eradicating the independent thinking of the populace.

With time, various behavior modification techniques have been incorporated into the education system which now influence the thinking of the masses.

This master plot to dumb-down the American youth has been unfolding for many years, unbeknownst to the public.

In reality, a concentrated elite has been running the show.

The Rockefeller Foundation established the first public health schools in America, as well as various eugenics programs in tertiary institutions in order to advance plans for the domination of an elite groups in America.

This black tie crowd has also been the key coordinators behind pharmaceutical training in the country.

Although claiming to be autonomous agencies, the funding scenario behind pharmaceutical education tells a different story.

Corporate Interests

Since Thomas Jefferson’s term in office in the early 1800s, it was stated that the future of education and the future of democracy go hand in hand.

This early thinker recognized the potential harm that corporate powers could have on national development. This fear has now materialized as the elite continue to taint the educational arena to promote their profiteering.

The Rockefeller Foundation has for years used the pretext of philanthropy to disguise its evil plan of depopulating the world and ultimately establishing a one world government.

Almost a century ago, the foundation was established “to promote the well-being of humanity by addressing the root causes of serious problems.”

In the meantime, they have been the main culprits behind the fraudulent nature of pharmaceutical investment.

These evil minds who possibly finance the American Council on Pharmaceutical Education are manipulating the way young scientists conduct research in order to promote the drugs they sell.

Their money-grabbing philosophy is being spread throughout American education institutions, thereby producing an entire misguided generation.

The pharmaceutical industry is not concerned with global health, but they are driven by the prospect of making massive profits by exploiting the ill and instituting a modern day eugenics plan.

Above and beyond this evil intent is a system whereby all accrediting programs have to be certified by the U.S. Department of Education, which also caters to the interests of the wealthy.

A brainwashing system is thus in place that is effectively bankrupting the independent thinking of young minds.

Codex Alimentarius

In reality, the elite are controlling our medicines and our food.

They have spread illnesses via pharmaceutical means and have established a cunning plan to malnourish those who they don’t consider fit to be part of their master race.

By secretly conspiring to implement Codex Alimentarius (a world food trade commission), the elite have worked with the United Nations to set up guidelines for food standards that are detrimental to world health.

Modern-Day Eugenics Program

Via the Codex plan, the U.S. government and the global elite will essentially be committing nutricide whereby billions of people will not receive the nutrients they need to survive.

This is part of their cunning plan to institute a system of worldwide population control.

By infiltrating agencies such as the American Council on Pharmaceutical Education, the elite are circulating a curriculum focused on conducting fraudulent research and advocating the tainted pharmaceutical products made by the huge drug firms.

They are endorsing drugs they know are not safe, while carrying out a reformed eugenics program aimed at depopulating the world.

This inconsistent education system means the Rockefeller Foundation and other influential philanthropic charities have the upper hand when it comes to important curriculum decisions. 

Agencies such as the American Council on Pharmaceutical Education need to operate independently.

No one is on a mission to free us like we are. Be careful of Debt to Success System scam wannabes run by the banking cartel minions.

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