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American Education Success is Far from the Truth

American Education Success is Not a Priority to Law Makers.  Ignorant Populace Unaware of Elite Manipulation Tactics.

Most people see American education success as being a far away wish when it comes to this society.

Well, it really depends on what kind of evaluation process is used to determine this kind of result.

If you are a political figure or someone in a high leveled position, you just might be in a category like all the other law makers who look at education with lower accountability and standard.

When a politician takes this approach it services to give them more control and power over the children.

If you prefer an ignorant society, then the choice will be to allow students to be educated to give back to society.

However, in our society, this is not the case because as long as politicians can keep children from knowing too much about how they are being led down the wrong path, it will benefit the government in more ways than one.

Without much education, children will not be able to learn about public policies and how it affects them.

The American education success is a farce because children are not exposed to this kind of information in the classroom.

It is usually not part of the curriculum because the government needs to keep it from the minds of children so they won’t be able to grasp and want to make changes.

A Failing System

What They Don’t Want to Expose

Politicians don’t want to education children on the extent of what goes into making laws because these same children will be able to clearly evaluate these policies and ask hard questions.

Government wants to keep our children ignorant and prevent them from seeking power and possible taking over control later on.

An uninformed person is never an effective member of society and it is through education that people become informed.

A conscientious and education student will earn the American education success, but if it is kept out of the school system that will never happen.

What is in it for the Politicians in Washington?

If the Politician can keep students uninformed, there will be no desire to come to Washington and become a law maker for their constituents and this will keep them in localized jobs where tax earnings become more important to Washington.

Informed students who are educated in the process of law and government will be able to see through this scheme and make adjustments.

They Don’t Tell You

The school system keeps children from learning about the issues that will affect them in their lives outside of school.

The school system is a faithful friend to these for keeping children ill-educated about the process that affects them in so many ways.

The American education success is no longer a quest for teachers in the school system.

It is all about their pay checks and keeping as much information away from their students as possible.

Law makers see to it that children don’t know more than they need to know about the political process even though it is something that will influence them.

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