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American Fascist Culture is on the Rise

The Grip of Fascist Culture Tightens Over America. Corporate Control and Government Gone Powermad Are Two Sure Signs of the Growing US Police State.

An alarming fascist culture is taking hold in the United States, marked by attributes such as a noticeable decline in civil liberties, aggressive militarism, and a surveillance society designed to muffle and eradicate dissenting voices.

In mainstream America, the majority of the population maintains the notion that we are basically a free country with honorable ideals, nobly spreading our special brand of freedom and democracy to alight even the darkest corners of the globe.

Sadly, this illusion still exists and is perpetuated by the mainstream media that spoon-feeds the people slanted, dumbed-down news that is carefully-crafted and dictated by the Council on Foreign Relations.

Additionally, the media and advertising also work with the interests of large corporations, elevating consumerism as an easy and ideal way to keep us complacent and materially satisfied with our multitude of nifty little toys and gadgets.

We seem to have all we need in this country – after all, we live in the land of plenty where the basic needs (such as food, clothing and shelter) are met for the majority of the population (give or take a few unfortunate souls).

The government and media aim to weave a fanciful scenario in which the government works hard to keep us protected and safe from the perpetual threat of terrorism, so long as we abide by their rules and refrain from questioning their policies.

Peeking behind the curtain reveals that the viewpoint they are selling to the public is a dangerous version of unreality, one that strips the people of their basic rights in order to further a militaristic, totalitarian agenda.

What are the Signs of a Fascist Culture?

One of the easiest signs to denoting a fascist culture is rampant nationalism that is designed to strike at the emotional center of the population.

Through staged tragedies such as 9/11, the government is able to rally the hearts of the masses in a spirit of nationalistic fervor and defiance against the alleged enemy.

Aggressive militarism is another sign of fascist culture. 9/11 was a carefully-constructed excuse (like Hitler’s burning down of the Reichstag) to win support for the President, enabling him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq.

The largest chunk of our tax money goes towards the military, even though we have plenty of domestic projects (such as healthcare and education) that desperately need funding.

We have no voice in how our tax dollars are spent, but the masses are kept complacent by the notion that beefing up the military is utterly essential to defending our freedom from the never-ending threat of terrorist attacks.

Civil Liberties Destroyed

The enormous tragedy of 9/11, which lost thousands of innocent lives, was also the perfect excuse to strip the American people of their civil liberties by suspending most of the Bill of Rights, a document that grants us such protection from the government as free speech, due process, and protection from unreasonable searches and seizures.

In a fascist society, human rights are also thrown out the window, as evidenced in the US military treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib, sparking outrage from human rights groups both in the US and around the world.

Surveillance Society

A fascist culture strives to maintain the power over the masses by quelling dissident voices.

The best way to do this is through a Big Brother surveillance society that closely monitors the activities and conversations of its people through biometric and RFID tracking and other forms of spying.

This intrusive surveillance impinges upon our right to privacy and violates our right to freedom of expression.

So is America turning into a fascist society? While our current society may not yet be as extreme as Mussolini’s Italy or Hitler’s Germany, there are still undeniable connections that can be made – all of which are signs to watch out for in order to make sure that we don’t let our country slide into such totalitarian tyranny.

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