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American Pharmaceuticals: Death of the US

Covert American Pharmaceutical Plans Include Sickening the Population With Addictive Chemicals. The AMA Doctors and Big Pharma Want to Destroy Your Health!

Current American pharmaceutical stress is placed on selling the American public on the fact they are sick.

In advertising, the way to succeed is to sell the problem rather than the solution.

Drug companies are selling you on just that, your problem of “disease.”

The human body is a complex organism. There are things that go wrong with it from time to time.

The spirit is a complex entity. Sometimes you feel up, and sometimes you feel down. Sometimes you can’t sleep.

Drug companies take these situations and make you feel that 1) many suffer from this same thing, and 2) a pill is the answer to never have trouble with it again. 

And you can provide the list of drugs you’d like to take to resolve your problems.

Just about all drug consumption in the US comes from the advertising we are inundated with.

The American pharmaceutical industry has a vested interest in keeping you or MAKING you ill.

They don’t care if you aren’t cured, because if you are, they won’t be keeping you as a customer for years down the road.

There’s no financial incentive to get and keep you happy and healthy. Doctors see money in your ailments.

Drugs a Multi-Billion Dollar Industry

You won’t see promotions on television, radio or in the magazines that tell you if you’re depressed that you should get out there and exercise.

Doctors aren’t taught nutrition in school. Exercise and sunlight don’t bring any revenue to American pharmaceutical companies.

”Please,” we beg them. “Help me with my occasional ailment!” In the space you can put erectile dysfunction, stress, depression or whatever.

The list goes on and on. If you are shy, you have social anxiety disorder. If your legs have some twitches, you have restless leg syndrome.

Healthy people can begin to believe they are ill when ordinary life experiences become a named illness.

When this happens, it’s more than just harming our general way of life. Soaring medical insurance costs haunt us and toxic side effects make our lives miserable, often resulting in the death of loved ones.

This pervasive drug culture also reduces our freedom of thought, our awareness and makes us helpless to deal with our own problems intelligently.

These ads push us to go to our doctors. It strengthens the drug companies’ control of our destiny. It allows the pharmaceutical industry to run our lives.

To add to the problem, the government is asking for the screening of all citizens for mental illnesses.

With the multitude of names of diseases that aren’t diseases, anyone can be diagnosed with some mental problem and ordered to take a drug.

American pharmaceutical is trying to do this with our teens now.

There are Other Solutions

Many illnesses are easily preventable with good nutrition, getting outdoors for some exercise, and even supplements for what you might be missing in your diet.

There are many books on how to naturally reduce stress, relax and stop symptoms that worry you. Before you reach for an addicting pill, you should try them.

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