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American Psychiatric Association Conferences

American Psychiatric Association Conferences Are Venues for Drug Sales. Too Many Doctors Are Willing to Prescribe Medication Rather Than Cure a Condition.

American Psychiatric Association conferences are just another way to push more drugs on the public.

All the lectures and so-called “science” presented are designed to encourage Americans towards an acceptance of drug relief, the public should be skeptical.

It makes no difference regarding age or gender; drugs are promoted as the solution. The drug solution is manufactured to cure phantom diseases, invented by the psychiatrists.

These “mental diseases” have no biological test results or hard proof of their existence at all.

But the American Psychiatric Association stands by their diagnosis while admitting knowing no causes or cures.

And with their involvmernt, they’ve sold out to the drug industry.

At American Psychiatric Association conferences, there is a proliferation of drug companies touting their poisons.

These psychiatrists have a wide choice of poisons to give to their patients.

So while these “doctors” meet, voting on more diseases to include in their manual, they can pick and choose among the drugs available, with the drug companies happy to have this venue for their promotions.

What is the best “treatment” for a restless child? What’s the ideal “treatment” for depression?

The American Psychiatric Association

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights knows how crazy it can be within the psychiatric industry.

Those who have taken an oath to help people in their travails only harm them through the use of prescription drugs and electroshock.

Deadening feelings and quieting the rambunctious is done by using poisons.

It’s no secret that psychiatrists want a monopoly on “mental health,” despite the fact they have no real answers to any causes of emotional problems or mood swings or the like.

In fact, many times emotional problems actually come from physical problems. However, you won’t find these being treated by the psychiatrists.

Why not look for actual illnesses that are observed by biological evidence?

You won’t find proof of anyone having a “diseased brain,” as the psychiatrists claim as the reason for odd behavior.

People aren’t just a “balance of chemicals” but spiritual beings who have ups and downs in life’s sometimes challenging world.

Many articles published on the Internet and in books tell not only of the farce that psychiatry is, but tell of the harm they have done to millions.

The drug prescriptions are just a part of it. A drugged America is not a sane America.

Drugs dull the senses, stymie intelligence, and do untold damage to the body.

Protest the Drugging of Our Children

While these destructive psychiatric conferences decide the next behavior of a human to be labeled a “mental disease,” we must ensure we don’t fall into their trap of addictive anti-anxiety pills and antidepressants.

We must stay away from any and all prescription drugs and head for the natural remedies.

You can make your voice heard by picketing American Psychiatric Association conferences.

Don’t let our children be forced to take poisonous drugs to modify normal child behavior.

There are natural resources for use for those parents who can’t deal with kids that are more active than they can tolerate.

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