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Americans Reject the Organic Food Supply for GM Foods

The Elite Group Profit By Keeping The Organic Food Supply Out of The Grocery Store.

Americans need to know that big corporations that influence our food supply are also members of the elite group that also control our children’s education, our health care, scientific research, and part of powerful government entities. 

It is because of so much control and power that the elite group can dominate the foods that we eat and manage them with the same drugs that are prescribed by the doctors who work as their own consultants. 

The elite group makes sure that they limit the organic food supply and make it higher priced so that average Americans cannot afford it. 

Organic food growth is impacted by the transporting of fossil fuel that the elite group also has control over. 

Americans are unhealthy because they are feeding off of foods on the grocery shelf that were influenced by synthetic fertilizers, radiation, pesticides, GM bioengineering and hormones. 

This is a scheme by the elite group to get American citizens so sick that they have to go to the same doctors that consult for these elite planners. 

Notice that when you go to the doctor, you get prescribed samples of drugs that the pharmaceutical companies are trying to promote using the doctor’s private practice. 

It goes without saying that the organic foods carry so much more restrictions in its preparation than GM foods do. 

There are so much stricter rules from all levels of government; federal, local and state because the elite group wants to keep the organic food supply off the supermarket shelves as much as possible. 

Wake Up America

The Media Perpetuation

The media is owned by the elite group and their job is to perpetuate and promote that organic food can be contaminated with E. Coli, but there is no evidence that supports their claim. 

All the media wants to do is to make it unattractive for Americans to switch to organic food and eat the unhealthy foods that they supply on the grocery shelves that deteriorate the health of all Americans. 

The media is happy to be paid for commercials that promote McDonald’s and Burgher King’s fast food packed with grease and fat. 

There is always a new commercial that makes fast food look more attractive than eating healthy.

The American lifestyle calls for microwavable foods because people are always in a hurry. 

Organic food supply requires more preparation and people are apt to choose the faster way to prepare their foods compared to eating healthier. 

Health Casualty

Even though, organic foods cost more in dollars, it is healthier for consumption and yet the elite group does not spend promotional dollars to educate the American public about its advantages. 

Americans continue to be victims of their own government and the big corporate agriculture giants that want to make more money at the expense of the American people. 

The plan by the elite group is to get Americans to eat their infected foods to a pulp, weaken the immune system and get us to go to the doctor. 

The pharmaceutical companies, then, profit from the sickness incurred by eating contaminated food and the side effects slowly take effect on our bodies. 

Organic food supply will counteract any health casualty and once Americans can become educated, they will fight the desire to stay healthy.

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