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An Online Activism Campaign is an Easy Way to Begin a Broad Grass Roots Campaign

Start an Online Activism Campaign to Spread the Word and Fight for Your Cause.

With all the power of the Internet at your fingertips, it’s easy to start an online activism campaign to fight for your cause. 

Online campaigns give you the ability to reach a far wider audience than traditional door-to-door or phone calling campaigns in a significantly faster period of time. 

Additionally, online activism lends itself well to growing an audience; it’s a piece of cake for people to forward a link to their friends and family to spread the word about a cause. 

In many cases, web space is free and it’s easy to set up a petition or website to begin your activism campaign. 

Online campaigns make it easy for the average person to take an active role in any cause. 

You don’t have to be an experienced political campaigner to start an effective online activism campaign. 

Plenty of every-day people are taking an active role in online campaigns for a variety of causes. 

A quick web search turns up online campaigns for a range of important causes, including stopping the NAFTA superhighway, promoting home schooling to avoid the brainwashing propaganda that comes along with public school, and even stopping the RFID chip in the National ID program. 

Regular people who feel passionately about these important causes are able to utilize the Internet to promote information sharing and change the world. 

Everyone Uses Online Activism to Spread the Word

The Internet Enables You to Share Information Easily

With the easy availability of information on the Internet, people turn to the Web every day to gather information about important and sensitive issues.

When you start an online activism campaign, the first step to an effective campaign is to gather information about your cause. 

This may come in the form of links to news articles, government studies providing scientific data about a specific cause, or links to existing websites that share information about the issue. 

From there, it’s easy to set up an online petition, and utilize different ways to share information and show the government that people feel strongly about the issue.

With online tools, it’s possible to give everybody a voice, including people who wouldn’t normally take part in the civic process. 

Every-Day Citizens Use Online Tools to Make a Difference

An online activism campaign is a great way for average people to make an extraordinary difference in the world.

People across the country use online tools to spread awareness about issues, and show the government that they’re not going to stand still while people suffer. 

Additionally, a small financial donation goes a long way toward financing an online campaign.

The overhead in running an activism campaign online is relatively low, so even a small donation can make a big difference in running a campaign.

The medium really lends itself well to this type of campaign. 

Average people across the country use the Internet to promote their activism campaigns daily.

Good people in Texas fighting against the NAFTA Superhighway is a prime example of how people can use the Internet to make a difference. 

In the case of the NAFTA Superhighway, mainstream media is startlingly silent, but the Internet makes it possible to spread awareness about this colossal and ill-conceived project in spite of media silence. 

An online campaign started by regular, concerned people has finally reached legislature in the form of people talking to their elected representatives.

These representatives are beginning to ask questions, and more and more people are taking an interest in the superhighway. Online campaigns made this possible.

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