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Animal Farm by George Orwell

Why is Reading Animal Farm by George Orwell Important to Our Society Today? Orwell Had a Clear Vision of the NWO Future and We Are Living it Today.

The classic novel Animal Farm by George Orwell is considered a great satire and antithesis to authoritarianism. In particular, Stalinism is “attacked”.

Orwell uses the setting of a typical farm to describe how a society will revolt against oppression.

The animals on the farm serve as metaphors for different parts of society, and their actions and depictions within the novel display the stereotypes generally associated with the real world counterparts.

For example the sheep represent a metaphor for the portion of the population that is generally absent minded about matters, and is easily fooled by others, and are used by the Pigs as pawns to protect their system and to repeat their mindless mantras.

The pigs played many important roles, especially Napoleon, who is intended to represent Stalin whom became the dictator of the farm and began to institute very harsh rules and began to conduct in acts of injustice.

The pig named Squealer serves as a head of propaganda efforts for Napoleon’s cause, through the implementation of common real world techniques such as language manipulation and doublespeak in order to justify their tyrannical actions.

Squealer exhibits cunning political maneuvering by deflecting questioning and derailing any debates about policy, and when all else fails he threatens the other animals with the prospect of the return of the old system, which most animals could hardly remember.

The pig named Snowball was to represent Trotsky, and this has generated much controversy because Snowball honestly has the good of the animals in mind, and devises many ways for them to improve their lives, however Napoleon demonizes him and has him exiled.

Why is Animal Farm Important Today?

Even though the novel was directed towards Stalin in particular, it is important to point out that Orwell was a forward thinking individual and must have realized that the metaphors of the novel can be applied to nearly any totalitarian government.

In Animal Farm by George Orwell, many of the methods that authoritarians use to control the population are depicted and explained.

Because it can be applied to so many instances of government misconduct and oppression, it is important to learn the many important lessons about totalitarianism detailed within the novel.

By understanding how the pigs take over control of the political establishment at the farm, people can see through many of the petty tricks that governments can use to fool the public.

Was Stalin a Totalitarian?

The dictatorship under Stalin has been referred to under many different names with many different connotations.

Perhaps an accurate and simple description would be that Stalin is an authoritarian, and a totalitarian dictator, and an elitist as well.

In Animal Farm by George Orwell, the pig that represents Stalin mimics the actions and behavior of a fascist dictator.

Stalin can be classified as totalitarian because he sought to control every aspect of everyone’s lives in many harsh and absurd manners, and for all of those who stood in his way were executed.

The same is with Napoleon in Animal Farm, as he began to seek to control every aspect of the farm and had his opposition executed brutally by the dogs whom represent the secret police.

What is the Lesson of Animal Farm?

One of the key lessons that can be derived from Animal Farm by George Orwell, is that even tho a population can overthrow a government, it can be replaced by something far more devastating than the one prior to it.

It warns us to be wary of those whom seek to manipulate and control, because they can become the new dictators.

Most scholars believe that Animal Farm serves as an excellent warning against what type of political force takes control in the wake of a misguided revolution.

And many aspects depicted within the book can be considered a tragedy of the political system, because it depicts the wrongful deaths of many of the animals on the farm at the hands of the tyrant Napoleon.

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