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Are Journalism Prizes for Great Journalism?

Journalism Prizes are Nothing More than Accolades for New World Order Supporters and Spin Doctors.

The journalism prizes inherent in the world today have become meaningless ceremonies to celebrate the controlled media. 

Real journalism and investigative reporting is discouraged as the really big stories that go against what the mainstream elitist operated media are never praised. 

The chances of winning a Pulitzer Prize for a book on corrupt American presidents are non existent. 

There are forces at work within our media that limit, regulate and monitor whatever content is released for public viewing. 

America’s bankers are behind the subjugated media as they use this public tool to manipulate and distract the people of our great country. 

When the media in all its forms presents a certain world view, then people tend to believe that it is the accurate viewpoint, even though it is only a certain perspective on something. 

The media, under the direction of the NWO lobbyists, work feverishly to support government propaganda, the unification of nations and amplify local problems. 

By ignorantly indulging in television, music, newspapers and magazines we are told what to think, how to react and to be passive observers. 

Media Control

“Not every item of news should be published. Rather must those who control news policies endeavor to make every item of news serve a certain purpose.”

– Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister.

Bankers like the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgans and Warburgs have bought most of America, including all the major media corporations.

They have used the media to control, subdue and persuade the population now for decades. 

Shows that distract you like American idol are owned by the same people who aggregate news for The New York Post, Fox Television and Twentieth Century Fox film studio.

All of these shows, news programs and entertainment sources are used by the NWO elitists to program you. 

Violence on television has made us all non responsive to violence in real life.

We are programmed to buy things we don’t need because we want them and support ideologies like gender, class and race differences.

Divide and conquer is the elitist motto.

And the Winner is…

Winners of the most prestigious journalistic awards are the same men and women who support the NWO ideology.

This year the staff of the New York Times won the Pulitzer Prize for their reports on military and political unrest in Iraq. 

This sounds innocent enough but when you dig deeper you realize that the same staff who received this prestigious award have also been particularly outspoken about the coming New World Order and the stability it will bring to the world. 

Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr. owner of the company that produces this newspaper comes from an elitist family and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission.

These two organizations work feverishly to implement the NWO.

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