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AT&T; Digital Phones

Today’s ATT Digital PCS Phones Make Very Good Tracking Devices for Government Wishing to Destroy Privacy of U.S. Citizens.

ATT digital was recently introduced in many cities like Philadelphia, Charlotte and Baltimore to facilitate digital communication.

This service combines many features like Caller ID, alphanumeric paging, numeric paging, email and voice mail.

Though it sounds to be useful, it is anything but beneficial. When one analyzes the working of a Personal Communication System (PCS), one can understand how it can affect the health of millions of Americans.

Like cellular phones, the PCS also requires a number of antennas to blanket a particular area of coverage.

As the user moves from one area to another, another antenna picks up the signal and keeps the user connected. All this technology is a tactic used by the elite to constantly monitor and control the activities of Americans.

The companies that develop such advanced technology are owned by the elite and they use such amazing technology for all evil purposes.

New Phones Help Elite Track Users

Att digital pcs is supposed to help users stay in touch all the time and this has been projected to give users greater mobility.

But the fact is that it helps the elite to track the users anywhere and everywhere.

The antennas stationed at every nook and corner provide accurate readings of the users whereabouts and so people no longer have an element of anonymity in their lives.

Americans are not aware of this infringement of privacy and liberty because they have been brainwashed to believe that pcs technology is best for them.

Recording Our Calls

Att digital pcs telephones are very popular today. The telephone system that existed earlier was analog and it gave a lot of problems for the elite because they were unable to track people effectively with it.

They had to set wiretaps on every line in order to listen into the private phone conversations of Americans.

But with digital technology, all that they have to do is press a switch and the conversation, date and time, duration, details of the caller and receiver are recorded.

Unfortunately, only the bright side of digital technology like clear sound quality, easy communication, caller ID and other features are known to Americans.

They do not know the criminal activities that are undertaken by the elite to constantly monitor Americans.

The Health Risks of Cell Phones

Att digital pcs causes a lot of health hazards to the users and to the general public.

Cellular phones are considered a major health hazard but pcs technology has lot more towers and antennas and so they are likely to cause more harm to Americans.

A lot of radiation is emitted from these devices and this can act as a catalyst for many serious diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

It is also believed to cause brain tumors and even cancer if people are exposed to it for long periods of time.

This technology was introduced very recently and so it may take a while for the negative effects to be visible.

Sadly, it may be too late to prevent people from dying. So, Americans must nip it in the bud to ensure that they remain physically and mentally healthy.

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