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Automatic Speech Recognition ASR is Under Scrutiny

Automatic Speech Recognition ASR is a Weapon in the Hands of the Government.

The automatic speech recognition ASR when combined with IVR and ACE is a powerful weapon that the government is getting very adept at using.

While you are reading this your government is developing the Global Autonomous Language Exploitation software, mostly referred to as GALE.

There is a government division called the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency or DARPA for short that has the budget and the mandate to develop software engines that will be able to translate, transcribe, and then summarize both speech and text.

This technology is going to become the latest weapon in the war against terrorism, or should we say the war against freedom.

Have we got your attention now?

If you believe that this sounds far too much like something out of a science fiction movie, it does, but the difference is that this is not a science fiction movie.

This is your life! This is the life of your family, your friends, and society in general. This software has mastered the English language and is now becoming adapt at Arabic and Mandarin.

You should be alarmed because the potential of what can now be done using a technology that is almost perfected, and it will change the world we live in.

Your Freedom is at Risk

The last thing any government wants is a population that can think for themselves and they are do an amazing job of it.

One of the ways that this is accomplished is with the television, which is how messages are past to us, standards are set, behaviors are established, and we are quite literally programmed in the manner our government desires.

How many of you actually spend much time reading? Do you read the newspaper everyday?

Do you read books that question the validity of what our government is doing? If you answered yes you are in the minority.

Technology is no different. We believe in its value, and there is significant value.

For example automatic speech recognition ASR has been used by individuals that are handicapped.

However, as usual when the government gets involved it seems trouble follows.

This technology Is on its way to the military fields right now. It will be used to gather intelligence. But it’s also on its way to a city near you.

With the war on terror it is being used to track down the invisible enemy. It seems we are all enemies when it comes to the bigger picture and the goal to create the New World Order.

Everywhere you go, everything you do, everything you say – big brother is watching, recording, analyzing. One day you’ll awake, turn on the television and be informed the world has changed overnight.

If you believe this won’t happen, good for you keep the dream alive, because President Obama will be the man who leads us to the loss of our sovereignty and our constitution.

Obamamania taking the world by force without lifting a weapon. We will follow like lambs to the slaughter house.

It’s a new day, a new world and automatic speech recognition ASR will play a huge role in it.

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